Part 3

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I appear in Dani and Kenley's bedroom at the Hollywood Ghost Club.

"Ari? What are you doing here?"

"I think I'm gonna-"


Waking up on Dani's bed, I hear a voice next to me. "She's awake."

Kenley looks at me from where she's sitting on the floor. "You passed out."

"Are you okay?" Dani asks, walking in from the bathroom.

I sit up, wiping the partly dry blood from my face.

"No, I usually have blood coming out of my nose."

Dani comes and sits on the bed, a damp towel in her hand. "What happened?"

"Well, first off, I broke up with Dylan-"

"Thank god. He was an asshole." Kenley says, having moved to lay on her bed.

"And?" Dani questions, handing me the towel to clean up the blood.

"And he did this to my face."

"Holy shit."

"That's not all. You remember the guys I told you about?"

"The ones from Sunset Curve?"

Kenley leans back on her arms. "Bet this has something to do with the one she likes." She says, making Dani throw a pillow at her.

"Well, they showed up as ghosts."

"That's great! You don't have to go moping around, complaining about how much you miss them all the time." Dani adds, nudging me with her elbow.

"Julie can see them."

"The lifer?" Kenley asks, clearly confused.

"Yeah. And they played with her in front of the whole school. And everyone could see them."

"I thought only you and my dad could do stuff like that." Dani adds, equally as confused.

"Look, I don't know how it happened, but I walked in and Julie and Luke were singing together."

Dani lowers her voice. "Like, singing together? Or singing together?"

"Singing together."

"I was right. It had something to do the guy she likes." Kenley jokes.

"Time and place, Kens. Time and place." Dani says, taking the bloody towel from me and into the bathroom.

"Well, what now?"

"You guys think I can stay here for the night?"

What? It's not like I can go back to Julie's place. The guys are there, and I don't really feel like having Julie interrogate me right now (I know I sound like I'm exaggerating, but like...).

"Sure." Dani replies, walking back into the room.

"Only if you share with Dani. My bed is mine and mine only."

First it was food, now it's her bed. Cue eyeroll. "Whatever Kens."

I've just realized, there's only three of us here. "Hey, where's Willie?"

"I think he went skating."

Ouch. "How dare he go without me."

"You'll live." Kenley adds with a smirk.

"Ha ha. Real funny." Standing up, I walk across the room and grab my bag from Dani's desk. "I gotta go tell Ray I wont be home tonight."

"See ya." Dani calls as I poof back to Julie's house.

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