Part 17

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As play through our song for the dance, someone (*cough, cough* Alex) decides to show up.

"Oh. Hey, Alex." Reggie says, running a hand through his hair.

"Where have you been man? We need to start practicing."

"Yeah? For what?" Alex asks, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Dance news!" Oh dear god. "I don't have a date. But I don't care because I'm so psyched to see you guys perform." Flynn exclaims, bursting through the studio doors.

Alex gets this look on his face. I recognise it from somewhere... Oh, it's the same face I make when I don't cancel my plans on time. "Oh man, we're playing a dance?"

"Of course dude. That's how we get a following nowadays." Luke says, looking at Julie and I for confirmation.

"Yeah, get with the program, Alex." Julie laughs.

"What? The guys are here?" Flynn whined, before giving them a wave. "Hey, guys!"

I mentally facepalm and walk over to turn her around. "Other way, sweetie." Julie tells her.

She waves again, in the right direction this time, and Reggie and Alex wave back. "She can't... okay."

"Right, well now that Alex has graced us with his presence, can we start working?" Luke says from where he is now slumped down in a chair.

Julie turns to Flynn, passing on the message. "Yes! We're gonna rehearse. You wanna stick around?"

"I'm supposed to blow up 500 balloons for the school dance, but this sounds way better." Ooh, that's a vibe. I get the feeling Flynn's spirit animal would be a sloth.

"Hey, Julie. Remember those orbs in Dad's pictures?" Carlos has joined the party. I repeat, Carlos has joined the party. "I... I think they're ghosts." Oh shit, kids are getting smarter every day. "But don't worry. This room is... is... This room is clean. I'm not getting the ghost tinglies." Never mind, I take it back.

"Wrong again, little dude." Reggie says, voicing my thoughts.

"Have no fear. If they come back, I will protect you, because I am the man of the house."

I throw a hand over my mouth, trying not to laugh. "What're you doing?" Carlos asks me. "Yawning."

"Isn't Dad supposed to be the man of the house?" Julie butts in, taking the boy's attention.

"There can be two." He mumbles. "Dad needs all the help he can get, right?" As if remembering something, Carlos pulls a small saltshaker from his back pocket. "According to the internet, salt burns their souls out. A little sprinkle will keep them from ever coming in here."

This is gonna be amazing.

With that, he opens the lid, tossing the salt across the room. Luke pulls his feet up onto the chair and Reggie jumps back, barely missing it. Alex on the other hand, isn't so lucky.

"No!" He screams, everyone looking at him worriedly. "Oh God, I'm... I'm fine. I'm fine. Totally fine."

You probably think I'm a horrible person for not caring at all that Carlos was throwing salt at them, but I already knew it wasn't gonna do anything. Someone told Willie about it so we asked Caleb and he said it was all bullshit. Well, he didn't say it with those exact words, but you know what I mean. I honestly just thought it'd be funny to see the guys and Julie panic.

Speaking of Julie, she clears her throat, getting Flynn's attention, and motions to Carlos. "Oh! Carlos, you know who's hungry?" Flynn asks him. "Me. Um, salt me a path to the kitchen."

Border To Heaven - JATP LukeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu