Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

Damon’s Pov


I hate myself right now. I can’t believe I said all that to Arianna.

It’s one thing for me to say how I didn’t want children this young, but I can’t believe I called her a slut and told her it was her fault!

Yeah, I suck, and I’m about one hundred percent sure Alexis is going to beat the shit out of me as soon as the storm passes, and we get out of here.

I don’t even know why I said it, I know she’s not a slut, and I know it’s not only her fault, this guy who slept with is just as responsible for the baby as he is.

But she did have a point, I’m selfish and immature. Me telling a girl to go get an abortion or give the baby away is pretty heartless of me.

But honestly, I’m surprised she even talked back to me and hit me, I guess I deserved it though, and not did I only insult her, I said her parents were bad parents!

I don’t know what made me so mad to say all of that.

Yes you do! There was a little voice in the back of my head, but I ignored it.

And then I had to go and say I would be her friend and I wasn’t judging her, I deserved that slap.

And I am still an idiot.

She walked out of the room after the fight and her last words to me hurt pretty bad, she never wants me to talk to her again.

I felt my heart drop more and more with all the things she said, I kept trying to defend myself, but honestly I had no right after what I said to her, and she was right, I was behaving like a child, not a man.

I just sat there after she left thinking all of this, and more. I went over the entire conversation and wanted to call her back in here and hit me again.

Later I went into the foods room and she was cooking dinner, probably just for herself, I would go in later to make me something.

She didn’t even look at me though, and I just stood there staring at her, I wanted her to talk to me, but I knew she wouldn’t.

She went and set up two tables that couldn’t be farther apart, poured two glasses of milk and set one by me and one at another table. Then she came over with my food and took hers to the other side of the room and I could feel even more guilt creeping in.

I didn’t deserve her making me dinner too. She was being too nice to me after what I did.

She finished and did her dishes and the laundry before she left. I finished mine with the silence and guilt eating me alive. I knew I had to say sorry and grovel, but I didn’t know how. I knew she wouldn’t accept anyways.

I went into the library and watched her work. I should be the one helping her with that. If I could have kept my mouth shut, I would have been, but instead she was doing it on her own, and I felt worse and worse each passing minute.

I couldn’t stand the silence anymore, and told her I was going to take a shower, she ignored me and continued working.

When I came back, she was gone.

I felt worried about her, so I went to the photography room to see if she was there, I honestly didn’t know where else she would have gone.

On my way there I heard the distinct noise of a piano playing.

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