Chapter Seven

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 Chapter Seven

I woke up the next morning feeling terrible, and as soon as I got out of bed, I was rushing to the bathroom again to throw up.

Great, being sick on top of everything else? No wonder I felt my body ache and I’ve been so tired. I hope I don’t have the flu. I pull out the thermometer and it reads 99.9.

I groan and pull on some sweatpants and a t-shirt before grabbing my bag and slowly making my way down stairs.

“What’s wrong baby?” my dad asks from the table

“Sick” I groan again.

“What’s wrong exactly?”

“I threw up last night and this morning, and my body hurts, I’m tired and my temp is at 99.9”

“Maybe you should stay home” he offered

“No, I can’t ruin my perfect record; I’ve never missed a day”

“Fine” my dad said “I’m calling you out of work this week” I opened my mouth to protest “And no arguments.” He picked up his phone and made the call. I hated when they did this.

Mom brought me soup instead, and I was thankful, because I don’t think I can stomach anything else.

I go upstairs and grab my tooth brush and look in the mirror. I look terrible, but I’m glad I looked because I forgot my wig.

I looked tired, there were bags under my eyes, my attire was horrible, and I just wanted to curl up and sleep.

When I got to school Alexis took one look at me and pulled me into a hug

“Ari what’s wrong! I told you to take a break more often, you look so tired”

“That’s because I am. I’m sick Lex, and I didn’t even work on the Library much yesterday, I was too tired”

“What’s wrong exactly?”

“You  sound like my dad” I mumbled “I threw up last night, and this morning, I’m beyond tired and stressed out, I have a fever and my body just aches. Can you walk me to calculus so I can sit down?” I ask

“Anything for you” she wrapped her arm around my shoulder and we walked to my class, she really is the best.

When I got to calculus Damon was the only one in there

“You going to be okay?” she asked looking at him

“I’ll be fine, if not, I’ll let you beat him up and not say a word about it” I smiled

“Alright, see you soon” she hugged me and walked off

I walked over to my desk so slowly it felt like it took a year to get there, and put my head down on my arms, I really should have just stayed home, but I can’t volunteer when I’m sick, and I didn’t want to be stuck home all day

“Arianna, are you alright?” Damon asked putting his hand on my arm

“No” I grumbled, not even having energy to fight with him

“What’s going on?”

“Sick, and no I’m not explaining my symptoms again” I mumbled He came over and sat in the seat next to me and rubbed my back until class started. This is the side of Damon I knew and loved.

When the bell rang I sat up and was glad math came so easy to me that I could do it half asleep.

When the bell rang Damon grabbed my bag and put his arm around me, letting me lean up against him while we walked to out next class, he brought me to my seat and left; I put my head back down.

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