Chapter Thirty Two

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Thank you all who are reading this, meaning you stuck with me though my first book.

This is coming to an end, and theres only around five chapters left, it ends when they get rescued and go home :)

BUT you will defiantly see more of them, i can't let go of them so soon

This book, and the characters are like my babies, and it means more to me than you know to see supportive comments, and that like 60 people are reading with my posts.

it may not be a lot to some people, but i don't care, because it is to me.

You guys mean so much to me, your the best!!

<3 Chellsey. 

P.S Promise not to wait 4 days to upload again :)
I will hopefully upload in the next day or two ! 


Chapter Thirty Two


We laid there for a bit until it decided we needed to start talking through things.

“Why did you kiss me?” I started with.

“You know how hot you are when your pissed?” he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

“You’re such a guy”

“Would you rather be with a girl?” he asked

“Maybe” I pretended to think about it.

“I love you” he told me

“I know. I’m just tired of fighting.” I sighed

“I know, love. I never should have said anything about Alexis, she’s your best friend, and I know I would have been pissed if you asked me to choose you over Rob and Evan. It’s an impossible decision. You’re all so important to me”

“Who’s Rob?” I asked

“Robert Shook”

“I didn’t know you two were friends”

“I know. Him Evan and I are really close.”

“Evan Mathews?” this surprised me more.

“Yep” he smiled knowingly.

Let me explain here. Damon is hot, no doubt about that, and he’s popular. But he’s popular because of his reputation and is incredibly smart. He doesn’t play sports or have the ‘I’ll beat you up’ persona.

Then there’s Rob, he’s tall with short black hair, and huge muscles. He’s hot too, but in a more in your face way. He’s captain of the football team, and not the smartest guy out there, but he’s by no means dumb. I never see him with anyone other than the football team or cheerleaders, and he’s known to sleep around, I’ve actually seen and heard it a few times in school. He’s a complete player, and completely annoying.

Now I can somewhat see them being friends, but them being best friends with Evan, is weird. He’s quiet and sticks to himself at school. He had the typical ‘emo’ look. Long black hair, snake bites, and bright blue eyes. I don’t know him at all, but he doesn’t ever talk to anyone.

“How does that work?” I asked

“I don’t know, it just does” he smiled

“Rob’s annoying” I rolled my eyes

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