Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

God I feel terrible, my heads pounding, and what is there a spotlight on me right now? Why is my bed moving? I wondered.

I opened my eyes slowly and when I finally got them opened I realized that this was defiantly not my room and when I looked around more that my bed wasn’t moving rather the man I was half on top of was. It was like a realization party when I noticed that we were both indeed naked.

I would ask what the hell I did last night, but it’s pretty obvious.

I groaned mentally and as slowly and carefully as I could sat up in bed. I sat there thinking about last night; I remember getting ready, getting here with Alexis, drinking, her doing a body shot off me, dancing, taking a nap and-


I put my hands in my head and groaned, and then really looked at the boy next to me.

I am so screwed.

And the worst part in remembering everything is that when I said stop, he stopped. I was the one who started things again, and while we both wanted it, I took action.

I got up to look for my cloths. I found my bra and shorts on the floor and put them on and groaned when I realized Damon was laying part way on my shirt.

That shirt is not worth waking him up; I’ll just tell my mom I need a new one. I threw on the shirt he was wearing last night, grabbed my bag and heels and snuck out the door.

Right before I left I heard his groan and I looked back oh god, please don’t wake up I thought. He didn’t, he just rolled over

Holy shit! There were some serious scratch marks down his back, some look like they may have broken skin. I feel bad, but at the same time, I wanted to laugh.

When I got outside I grabbed my phone. 2:00!

15 texts and 10 missed calls from Alexis

I hit her number and called her back

“Oh my god Arianna where are you! I went by your house and you weren’t there”

“I’ll be there in 10, and I’ll tell you everything then” she was going to flip

“Oh, well I’m eating your food, you want breakfast when you get back?” she was always there, she had her own key, as did I with her house

“Call you have them make me an omelet, I’ll be there soon. Got to go” I didn’t wait for a reply before hanging up and starting the car

On my way home I was thinking how the hell I was going to deal with the situation I have put myself in, I just hoped that he doesn’t remember.

I comforted myself with the thought that I was drunk last night and having to think hard about it, but he was way beyond what I was, and even if he did remember, he thinks my names Skye, and that I have multi colored hair. I just hope Alexis’ work last night was enough so he wouldn’t know who I was

When I got to my house, I park my dad’s car so hopefully he won’t realize I borrowed it, not that he would really care, I just don’t want to explain why.

Alexis was waiting by the door with my omelet. She grabbed my arm and drug me to my room.

“Tell me what happened, where were you?”

“I’ll tell you if you tell me” I replied

“But that’s not fair!” she whined.

“How is it not fair?” I wondered

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