Chapter 19~ Truth or Dare part three

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A/N: I am so sorry that this is coming out so late at night, but I hope that you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Stacy's POV:

     "I loved it." I whisper

Why did I say that. What if Graser... My thoughts are cut off by Graser saying

"I loved it too."

"Really?" I say with a confused look on my face

Just as he's about to respond Parker cuts in and says with a smirk

"Stacy, go, it's your turn."

Parker's POV:

     Don't worry I have a plan. I then text Jordan that plan

Stacy's POV:

     "Umm ok, Julio truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss Dul." I say knowing Devon's reaction will result with him and Julio getting togther.

Before Julio can do anything Devon marches over and kisses Julio on the lips. And Julio seems to be enjoying it. When they break Devon asks with a smirk

"So you and me?"

"Yeah, you and me." Julio replies with a smile

"Wait are you guys dating now?" Kevin asks

"Yep." Julio replies

Everyone gives them congrats, and smiles. But of course Kevin has to say

"Ok, are you going to do the dare now?"

"Nope. Here you go Stacy." Julio says while handing me his phone. I give him a look, silently asking if I can. He nods, so I take it and tweet 'DevonDoesTomahawk is now offical.'

"An amazing tweet." Julio says

"I agree." Devon replies

"So Sean, truth or dare?" Julio asks


"Drink orange juice and then go brush your teeth."

"Ok." Sean says

About two minutes later we all hear gagging. When he comes out he says

"That was gross. And TYBZI truth or dare?"


"I dare you to peel a banana using only your feet."

"Ok, give me a banana."

Within five minutes he has peeled it."

"Whats with all the suprised looks?" TYBZI asks

"It's just, nevermind." Sean says

"Okay then, Jordan truth or dare?"


"Who's your favorite person to collab with?"

"Will." Jordan says without hesitation.

Will smiles and says

"You're my favorite person to collab with to."

"Aww, thanks Will."

"You're welcome."

"So, Graser, truth or dare?" Jordan asks

A/N: Yay! So I hope you enjoyed it. Again sorry it came out a little late. It's been busy. But anyway the Question of the week is: What's your favorite song? Mine would have to be either Save Rock and Roll or Jet Pack Blues, both by Fall Out Boy. As always I hope that you have all had a fantasitc week and have a wonderful weekend. I will see you all next Friday. Bye. XD



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