Chapter 12~ Scary movie cuddles

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A/N: Frist of all I hope you all had a Merry Christmas or if you don't celebrate Christmas then happy holiday. Also I want to thank @LivMonster01 for giving the ships Pbomb, Kiani, and TheCampingDolphin. They will be put in. Also just so you know I've only seen the like frist 10 minutes of Saw but I know that it's terrifiying. But any way Gracy fluff ahead and a little Pbomb action. Parker is a bit OCC because he doesn't like horror. So I'll let you read.

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Graser's Pov:

     After Kevin announced that we're watching Saw I noticed that fear clouded Stacy's face. Though I do feel bad, I want her to lean into me. Is that bad? Anyway how scary can it be.

"Alright before we start I'm making popcorn. Who wants some?" Sean asks

"Me." Brayden, Mitch, Ryan, Parker, H, Kermit, Kevin, TYBZI, and I say

"Alright, I have to make a lot of popcorn now." Sean says before walking to the kitchen

"So what's the movie about?" I ask

"It's about a ...." Kevin starts but gets cut off by Parker.

"It's about a puppet who gives humans painful puzzels."

"Ok then." I say getting slightly worried

     ~Time Skip: Popcorn done~

"Alright popcorn has been handed out, Pat start the movie." Sean says

The movie starts, and about 3 minutes in Stacy has already buried her face in my chest. And having her right here makes me feel like I'm going to go up in flames. My thoughts are interuppted by a high pitched scream, at frist I think that it's Stacy or Dul but then realize that it's Parker.

"Hey are you  alright?" H asks with a concerned voice.

"Yeah, I love this movie but it's scary and nauseiating. So can I have a trash can please?" Parker relpies

"Sure, just don't puke on me." H jokes with him.

As he gets up I can't help but wonder if H was flirting with Parker. That thought, flies out of my head, as I feel Stacy's arms wrap around me and she burries her head even deeper into my chest. I swear I hear my heart pounding.

"I think I'm going to be sick." TYBZI says

"Don't worry you're not the only one." Parker says before sprinting to the bathroom.

"I'm going to go get him some water." H says before leaving

"Fine but you're missing out." Kevin says without taking his eyes off the TV.

     ~Page Break~

At one point I wrap my arms around Stacy and close my eyes pretending to be sacred. I mean why else would she lean into me if she wasn't scared. Enless she likes me. I quickly dismiss that thought and enjoy the moment of cuddling.

     ~Time Skip: Movie over~

"I still love that movie even though it makes me sick." Ryan says

"I agree." Parker says

"Yeah, so who's picking up Devon tomorrow?" Julio asks

"Dul and I are picking him up tomorrow." H says

"Cool." Julio replies

      ~Page Break~

I'm sitting in my room with H and Parker.

"Dude, cuddle action nice." Parker says

"Thanks Graser now I want someone to cuddle with now." H complains

"We can cuddle H, I promise I won't throw up." Parker says with a sincere smile.

"Alright." H says with a confused look but still smiles.

Does H like Parker? I decide to question him later about it. But I can't belive I got to hold Stacy. It was amazing.

A/N: So Gracy fluff and some Pbomb action. So what did you get for Christmas? I got gift cards, The Doctor Who Character Encyclopedia, and a TARDIS pillow. What did you get for Christmas? So as always if you have a idea for truth or dare, or another ship, comment below. I hoped you have had a Merry Christmas and soon to be a happy New Year or Happy Birthday to me cause it's my birthday. So yeah. I hope that you have had a Brilliant week and have a fantastic weekend. See you all next Friday. Bye!   XD


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