Chapter 20~ Truth or Dare part four

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A/N: It's the final chapter of truth or dare. I want to say thanks, all of you guys are beyond amazing! Anyway I'll let you read now.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Graser's POV:


"So Graser truth or dare?" Jordan asks

     ~End of Recap~

"Dare." I say

"I dare you to kiss Stacy."

I decide to be bold and kiss her.

"Ok." I say without stuttering

I get up and walk over to Stacy, lean down, and kiss her. Just as she starts to kiss back everyone starts yelling 'Yes!' Causing me to break away. I see that she's bright red. I probably am too. As I sit back down I decide to ask dolphin.

"Hey Ryan, truth or dare?"

"Hmmm, I'll go with truth."

"Ok, do you have a bae?" I ask knowing that Brayden has a crush on him.

"I wish." He says while looking Brayden in the eye.

Brayden then gets up, sits next to Ryan, wraps his arm around him, looks him in the eye and says

"Now you do." Making Ryan go bright red.

All the girls and most of the guys go 'Awww.'

"TheCampingDolphin, I ship it!" Bee shouts

"Ok guys that's enough." Brayden says

"Yeah anyways Struab, truth or dare?" Ryan asks


"Make me a sandwich."

"No, you do it!" Struab shouts

"Fine, then give me your phone."

"Take it." Straub says while handing him the phone

Ryan takes it and tweets '#StraubeeForLife!'

"Oh my god the fans are going insane!" Straub exclaims

"You're welcome." Ryan says with a smirk

"Uhhhh! Stacy truth or dare?" Straub asks


"I dare you and Graser to switch the same room." Straub says with an evil smirk

"Umm...." She says while going an adorable cherry red.

"It's fine with me." I say while trying to act natural

~Time Skip: When they are done changing~

"Ah you look so cute!" Grape and Parker say at the same time.

"Guys can we end it for tonight? Cause I need to sleep since the meet-up is tomorrow." Bee says with a yawn

"Fine." Parker sighs

After everyone exchanges goodnights, I decide to ask Stacy something.

"Hey Stacy, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Uhh, sure." She says with a panicked look

'Come on, Graser, just ask her.' I think. I take a deep breath and ask.....

"Stacy will you go out with me?"

A/N: Yay! Graser's finally found the courage to ask her. And TheCampingDolphin is togther. The way the got togther was courtesy of @not-katyastic. So anyway Question of the week is: Whats your favorite video game? Mine would be Minecraft, COD, Halo, or Super Smash Bros. As always I hope that you have all had a fantastic week and have a wonderful weekend. I will see you all next Friday. Bye!  XD


Gracy (graser10 and stacyplays)Where stories live. Discover now