Chapter 22~ Pre-Meet-up Chaos

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A/N: Hey, I got my computer fixed. Yay! Yeah so the photo is what I did to my computer. But anyway I hope that you enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Graser's POV:

     I wake up remembering that today I'm going on a date with the beautiful Stacyplays. It brings a smile to my face. But I then remember that today is also the day of the meet-up. I look at the clock and see that it's 10:00 AM. I start to panic realizing that the meet-up is at noon. I look around and see that Straub, Parker, and H are still asleep. I go and wake them up.

"Hey guys wake up!" I shout

"What?" Straub asks while opening his eyes

"It's the day of the meet-up." I say

"Yeah." Parker says while barely opening his eyes

"It's 10 and the meet-up is at 12." I say

As soon as they hear this they're up.

"We have to wake up the others." H says

After he says that we all start rushing to go and wake up the others. I rush into Grape's room and shout

"Get up! We have to be at the meet-up in two hours!"

Within 5 minutes everyone is gathered in the living room.

"Ok guys I called the Uber's. So eight of you guys are going with the Uber's. I'm going to be driving one of the cars and TYBZI is driving the other. Each car holds six people. Ok now go and get ready. I tell you when it's time to go." H explains

And with that everyone rushes to get ready. I go and throw on a t-shrit, a pair of jeans, and a hoodie. I also grab my media badge, phone, and camera. I then go to the kitchen and grab some breakfast. Will and Jordan both come in and sit down.

"So you and Stacy." Will says

"Yeah." I reply with a smile

"Just so you know, we were all betting on when you would ask her out." Jordan says with a smirk

"What!" I exclaim

Kevin comes up behind me and pats my back saying,

"Yep and Kermit won."

"Why were you betting on when Stacy and I got together in the first place?" I ask

"Cause it's fun." Kevin says

"Whats fun?" I hear an angelic voice ask

I turn around and see Stacy standing there.

"They were betting on us." I say

"What!" Stacy says

"They bet on when you two would get together." Rusher says while entering the room

Just as Stacy is about to reply H shouts

"It's time to go!"

And with that we all go down to the cars

~Time Skip: In the car~

As we drive to the meet-up, I can't help but feel nervous. As if reading my emotions, Stacy reaches over and holds my hand. And all the worry washes away. I turn and give her a smile. Now the only thing on my mind is the date.

A/N: Yay! I hope that you enjoyed the chapter. So guess what, I got a tumblr! My username is WhovianBandGeek1004. Also question of the week: What's your favorite movie? Mine would have to be the Avengers or basically any Marvel movie or Star Wars. Anyway I hope that you have all had a fantastic week and have a marvelous weekend. See you all next Friday. Bye! XD


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