Chapter 23~ Meet-up

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A/N: I'm so sorry that this is coming out late. I was really busy today. I'm going to anime fest tomorrow so I was doing some cosplay stuff. Anyway I will let you read now. I hope that you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Stacy's POV:

     As we start to pull up, everyone pulls out a camera to vlog with. I turn mine on and say

"Alright we are almost to the meet-up and I can't wait to meet you all."

And with that I turn the camera off and look out the window, just as we park. Everyone gets out and immediately starts talking to their cameras. I fall back behind everyone else and start to think 'What if they don't like me.' or 'What if they hate that Graser and I are going on a date.' Before I can worry about any thing else, someone grabs my hand. I turn and see that it's Graser.

"What's wrong Stacy?" Graser asks

"Nothing." I say nervously

"Come on Stacy, I know somethings wrong." He says

"It's just nerves Graser." I say softly getting embarrassed

"Why are you nervous Stacy?" He asks

"It's just, what if they don't like us or some mean people show up." I say

"Well then they'll have to deal with the fans." He replies

I smile at what he says

"There's that smile. Now come on, let's catch up with the others." He says

He gives me a kiss on the cheek and pulls me towards our friends.

When we catch up to the group, Parker takes one look at me and says with a pout,

"Dang it! I missed some quality Gracy time."

"Don't worry, you'll probably see more." Brayden says with a smirk

"Shut it. We're almost there." Graser says

And with that we all pull out our cameras. And as soon as we are in sight there is a whole lot of screaming.

"That's a whole lot of people." I hear Will mutter

Soon we are signing, taking photos, talking, getting asked questions. Some one asked if we could take a group photo's and of course we said yes. There were some questions like 'Who is you're favorite person to record with?' or 'Which is better dogs or cats?' Soon enough we were taking another group photo again.

"You stand there, you stand there." H says, trying to direct people for the photo

"Ok, perfect ." H says

The person holding the camera says on three

"One, two, three."

The person gives the girl her camera back.

"Thank you!" She says

"No problem." Julio says

"Just one quick question." She says

"Ok." Graser says

"Is Gracy real?"

It goes silent. I hear Graser take in a deep breath. Just as I'm about to answer, Graser says...


A/N: Yay! Again I'm so so sorry that this is coming out late. It's just been a really hectic week. And tomorrow I'm going to my local anime fest. So yeah, anyway question of the week "Who's your favorite superhero?" Mine is Captain America, Iron Fist, Starfire, and Batman. Anyway sorry agian it's out late. As always I hope that you have all had a marvelous week and have a fantastic weekend. See you all next Friday, I promise. Bye! XD


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