Chapter 13~ Being interrogated by Dul?

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A/N: Happy new year everyone. Frist of all I want to thank @not-katytastic for giving awesome truth and dares, and the ship Straubee. It will all be added in. As always if you want to see another ship just comment it or if you have any ideas for truth or dare. And in this chapter Dul's a bit OOC. But anyway I hope you all enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Stacy's POV:

    As I sit on my bed I can't help but smile remenbering everything that happened during the movie. When I leaned into Graser I felt safe. And sparks were flying. Then he wrapped his arms around me and lean his head on me. After he did that I swear I felt like I was going to burst into flames.

I get ripped out of my thoughts when Dul comes in.

"Alright, explain now." Dul exclaims

"Explain what." I ask

"You and Graser, duh."

"Oh umm it's nothing." I say but it comes out as a nervous stutter.

"Girl please don't lie to me."

"Fine I may like Graser."

"You like Graser. Alright. When did you realize that you liked him."

"Well I realized I liked him after I recording a cube episode with him."

"Do you get nervous around him?"

"Umm, yeah."

"Do you think he likes you back?"

"I don't know. What is this, an interrigation?" I ask

"Basically. Now what happened during the movie?" She confesses

What did happen during the movie? Did he lean into me because he was scared. Or did he lean into me because he likes me. He must of leaned into me because he was scared, There's no way he could like me right.

Suddenly Dul's snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Hey are you alright. You zoned out there for like five minutes." She says

"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply

"So what happened during the movie?"

"I don't really know. I leaned into him because I was scared and because I wanted to. But I don't know why he leaned into me."

"Maybe he likes you back."

"No, I don't think he does. I mean why would he like me." I say while looking down

"Frist of all have you seen the him around you. He gets super nervous. He obviously likes you. And why wouldn't he like you. You need to be more confident. Alright. Now I'm going to go grab a quick snack and go to bed alright." She says

"Alright." I say with a small smile

With that I lay down. And as sleep pulls me in, all I can think about is what Dul said. She's right about one thing though, I do need to be more confident. But the big thing on my mind is whether or not Graser likes me.

A/N: Dul gives some great advice and Stacy realizes that Graser might like her back. So anyway next chapter Devon arrives. Also if you want to see another ship comment, or any truths or dares. So anyway I hope that you all have a happy new year. And I'll see you next Friday. I hope that you have all had a happy week and have a Fantastic weekend. Bye!   XD


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