Chapter 16~ Group Meeting

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A/N: Hey, first of all I want to say thanks for all the reads and votes, you guys are amazing! Second this is a filler chapter. I wasn't felling good this week and I still went to school. But I'm felling a bit better now, i also had an asthma attack yesterday. So it's been an eventful week. But as always I hope you enjoy. (Even though it's a filler. XD)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Graser's POV:

     We're all sitting in the living room watching Tv, waiting for the girls, when suddenly Parker shouts

"Group Meeting!"

"Wait, what?" Jordan asks

"A group meeting, you know where we discuss certain topics." Parker says

"I know what a group meeting is. I want to know why we are having one." Jordan replies

"We have something to discuss. Actually three things."

"Ok, what are they?" I ask

"Well first thing, what's for dinner?" Parker asks

"Not sure, we are waiting for the girls to get back before we decided." Straub says

"Ok. Second thing, I want to go site seeing tomorrow."

"Alright." Will says

"Thrid, we are playing a game later."

"Ummm, okay? Devon says

     ~Girls home~

"Your back!" Parker says

"Yeah, did you miss us." Dul says

"Yes, but now we need to decide on food. And hi Bee." Kevin says

"Hi guys." Bee says with a smile

After a round of hugs we decide to go out to eat.

     ~Time Skip~

When we get back, everyone either goes to edit or gets into a conversation, that is until Parker shouts.....

"Everyone please come into the living room now!"

Ok, why does he want us in there. I'm seriously scared.

"Alright, everyone are you ready for what I'm about to say."

He's met with some I don't knows and yeses.

"We are playing..... Truth or Dare."

A/N: So next chapter is the start of truth or dare. So I need punishment ideas for Like if they don't want to do the dare or truth. And any other truth or dare ideas are welcome. Also the labtop I use is at my aunt's house getting the security put back on it. So this whole chapter was written on my kindle. So overall it's been a tough week. But as always I hope that you enjoyed it. I hope that you have had a marvelous week and have a fantastic weekend. See you all next Friday.  XD


Gracy (graser10 and stacyplays)Where stories live. Discover now