Chapter 29~ The realization

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A/N: Hey guys. So there is going to be a cube smp oneshot book coming, and it's a collab. So the amazing people I'm doing this with are ggodinez, DiamondDaylight, Hipposaredeadly18, Idonthaveanamehelp12, trini124065, and EmeraldMae7. So go check them out they're amazing. And the oneshot book is out so after the chapter go check it out, it's on my profile. Anyway I'll let you read now.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Stacy's POV:

I look at my phone and realize that it's almost two.

"Hey guys."

"Yeah." Dul says while looking up from her phone

"It's almost two."

"Okay. Bee, come on it's time to go meet up with the guys!" Dul says

Bee puts the shirt that she was looking at back on the table.

"Okay, let's go get food." Bee says while running off

"Let's go." I say

~Time Skip: At the food court with the guys~

"You guys took forever." Bee says

"No, you got here fast." Grape argues

"No." Dul says

"You ran right past us." Mitch says

"Fine we got here fast." I say

"Thank you. Now do you guys want to eat here or go home and get food?" H asks

After about a minute of talking about it we decide to go home and eat.

"Alright, home it is then." Parker says while jumping onto H's back.

"Get off! You weight a ton." H says

"Aww." Parker says while getting off of H's back.

"I love you." H says

"I love you too Liam."Parker says

"Come on let's go lovebirds. I'm hungry." TYBZI says

~Time Skip: At home about to eat~

We are all sitting at the table about to eat when Bee starts a conversation.

"So what did you guys do at the mall today?" Bee asks

"We basically followed H around all day." Brayden says

"They were driving me insane. Why did you leave me with them?" H says

"Come on H, you loved it." Graser says

"No, I didn't." H says

"Anyways, we shopped and got clothes." Bee says

"Cool. Now let's eat." TYBZI says

And with that we all start eating.

"Hey guys." Devon says

"Yeah." We all say

"I just realized something."

"What?" Julio asks

"Tomorrow is our last full day together before we leave."

Oh my god. Everyone's basically in shock. Tomorrow is my last full day with my friends. And it's my last full day with Graser before we all head home.

A/N: So did you guys like the chapter? Yeah, so the Cube SMP Oneshot collab book is out, so go check it out. Anyway the Question of the Week is: "What is your favorite sport?" Mine would be Softball because it's the sport I'm in. And also Dirt biking. As always I hope that you have all had a fantastic week and have a marvelous weekend. I'll see you all next Friday. Bye! XD

~ Kalanthony2

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