Chapter 31~ Goodbyes and I love you

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A/N: It's the final chapter. I can't believe that it's over. But don't worry there will be a sequel. I'll talk more about it in the bottom. Okay? Until then I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Stacy's POV:

It's eight in the morning and almost everyone's in a complete chaos. Some people are just now packing. While others, like myself, are just checking our bags.

"Hey Stacy, is this your charger?" I hear Bee ask

I turn and see that it is my charger.

"Yes, it's mine. Thanks." I say

"So Stacy, you ready to leave?" Dul says

"No, I don't want to leave you guys."

"I don't want to you guys either." Bee says

"Me too." Dul says

And with that we hug.

"Hey guys we leave in five." H shouts

In five minutes we all leave for the airport. Some of us have later flights but we are all going to the airport together. As I grab my bags and walk out I see Graser. I run up to him and hug him.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I whisper while trying not to cry

"I'm going to miss you to Stacy." Graser says

"Hey Gracy it's time to go." H says

~Time Skip: At the airport~

Julio and I just checked into our flight and are now waiting for our plane to arrive. When we first arrived Bee, Straub, and Will had too go to the international part of the airport. And Brayden, Mitch, Ryan, and Jordan are all on the other side of the airport waiting for their flight.

"Hey Graser." I say

"Yes." He replies

"How are we going to make this work?" I ask

"Daily Skype calls and we can visit each other."



"I love you."

"I love you too."

I lean in and we kiss.

Flight 34 heading to Los Angeles now borading

"That's our flight Stacy come on." Julio says

"Bye guys." H says

"Bye." Julio says

"Bye Graser." I say

"Bye Stacy. I love you." Graser says

"I love you too."

A/N: The end for now. So the sequel should be out in a few weeks. But in the meantime I'm going to be starting a Cube SMP fanfic. So look for that. So this is the last Question of the week: "Have you ever been apart of a school club?" I've been apart of National Jr Honor Society and Anime club, which I'm secretary of. I hope that you have all had an amazing week and have a marvelous weekend. So until next time. Bye! XD


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