Chapter 15

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"Uhm" she says with a shaky voice. "There — there is something I have to tell you"

"Ella, Ben can you two please go to your rooms for a minute?" Archie asks. Ella groans but gets up from the floor. She takes her brother's hand and pulls him to the stairs. "Come with me Benny"

"Everything okay?" he asks Veronica.

"Depends" she mumbles as she sits down on the couch. He sits down next to her. He reaches for her hands but she pulls away.

"Do you remember that— that little rendezvous we had about a mouth ago?"

"Yeah. Do you regret it or feel uncomfortable around me? Did I say anything wrong? If so, I'm sorry. Can I do anything to make it better?"

"It's none of this Archie" she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath "I — I'm pregnant"

"You're pregnant? But we used protection"

"Well, before you came home that night, I had a headache so I took something called Topamax. It prevents migraines. My doctor told me it interferes with birth control which I didn't know and I guess the condom ripped or something. You don't have to be involved. I just wanted to tell you. I move out and find a new job and—"

"Stop stop stop" he interrupts her. "Why move out?"

"Archie I'm pregnant. I can't look after your children much longer. I won't be working then. I can't live here when I'm not working. I—"

"Why?" he interrupts again. "This is my baby in your stomach and as long as you feel comfortable here, you can live here. You watch the kids as long as you want and then I'll ask my mom for help and to the end of your pregnancy I will work less anyway. I want to be with you then"


"Yeah" he smiles and hesitatingly places his hand on her stomach. "Having a baby, this is what I've always dreamed of. I mean I have two babies but you know the pregnancy, birth, holding a tiny little new born in my arms, I can't wait for all of that. Oh my sweet little twins will be a big sissy and a big brother"

"This is really sweet Archie but eventually I have to look for a new job and a new place to live anyway. How do you think this will work. What if you find a nice girl you like one day and you bring her here and have to explain why a woman lives with you that you're not dating but have a kid with"

"Well actually I've already met a girl I really like and I think she would be okay with that"

"Oh okay" Veronica mumbles.

Archie smirks. He places his finger under her chin and lifts up her head. "I'm talking about you. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"


"Do you want to be my girlfriend? I really really like you Veronica, in case that wasn't obvious yet and now you're having my baby so why don't we try it?"

"Are you really serious?" she asks as her cheeks blush softly.

"How can I not be? You're sweet and kind and absolutely gorgeous, plus the twins love you. So? What do you say?

"I'd love to be your girlfriend cause I like you too. You're really cute" she smirks.

His hand moves from her stomach to her waist. He leans in slowly and presses his lips against hers. The tingly feeling in her stomach gets stronger and her cheek turn even redder.

"You know" she giggles as she slowly pulls away "usually things have a different order. First people talk, then they start dating, fall in love, get married" she grins "and then have kids"

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