Chapter 23

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Veronica sits on the couch and nervously plays with her fingers. Archie, who sits next to her, tries to stop her from chewing the inside of her cheek by laying his hand on her thigh.

"Babe you have to tell them" Archie whispers. His eyes are on the twins who play hide and seek in the living room. "I mean not now but eventually. Just don't wait too long. The earlier you tell them, the better.

"I know" she sighs "I'll do it now. Can you stay here with me?"

"Of course" he smiles and runs his thumb softly over her cheek.

"I found you Benny!" Ella giggles and taps her brothers shoulder. Before they can start a new round Archie calls them. They quickly walk over and sit down between the grownups. They seem so happy and kind of excited about what's going to happen. Veronica smiles but she hates that she'll probably make their happiness disappear in a second.

"I have to tel you something" she says. "Uhm you know you're adopted. Daddy told you what that means right?"

"Yeah" Ella nods. "It means daddy is our daddy but not really. He didn't make us. He took us home from an orphanage and gave us a home because our real mommy and daddy gave us away. Daddy said they couldn't take care of us but I'm happy because daddy is the best daddy in the world. I don't need my real dad"

Veronica nods. She takes a breath before she continues. "That's right. So you know that everyone has a mommy and a daddy and — well—" Veronica doesn't know how to say it. She closes her eyes and tries to think. She feels Archie's hand on her back and how his thumb slowly moves up and down.

"I am your mommy, your real mommy. I'm the one who gave you away"

There is silence for what feels like forever to Veronica. Two sets of eyes stare at her. She knows this information is not easy to process but the silence drives her crazy.

"You're our mommy?" Ella asks. Her voice is quiet and weak.

Veronica nods.

"Why did you give us away? Didn't you love us?"

"No she didn't!" Ben yells. Tears stream down his face. He gets up and runs away, into his room.

"Benny!" Veronica says. She jumps up and wants to follow him but Archie grabs her wrist. "Give him some time Ronnie"

Veronica sighs. Tears roll down her cheeks. She sits back down and reaches for Archie's hand. Her eyes wander back to the little girl between them.

"Didn't you love us?" she asks again.

"Oh sweetheart I loved you more than anything. I was only 16 when you and Benny were born. That's very very young to become a mom. My parents forced me to give you two away. That means they made me. I didn't have any money. I had nothing to keep you safe and happy and care for you. I wasn't able to protect you. So I gave you to people who could do all those things. I prayed every day and night that you and Benny come to nice, loving family and look where you are now. You are here, in this beautiful home and you have the most amazing daddy. I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep you but there was just no way. Do you understand what I mean? Do you believe me?"

"Mhm" Ella mumbles. "Why did your mommy and daddy say you have to give us away?"

"I think that's a little too complicated for you to understand but you have to believe when I say I never wanted to do that. It broke my heart when I had to leave you behind. You were my babies and I loved you so much"

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