Chapter 6

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It's late when Archie, Veronica and the twins get back home from the barbecue. The kids are sound asleep in Archie's arms.

"Veronica I have my keys in my inner pocket. Could you get them and open the door?"

"Sure" Veronica smiles. Her fingers brush over his chest as she reaches for the keys. It makes Archie blush. He doesn't even know why.
Veronica pulls the keys out of the pocket and opens the door. She turns to look at Archie for second before she walks in.

"I'll tuck the kids in. Make yourself comfortable, I'll be back in a second"

"Okay" Veronica smiles as she sits down on the couch. Her eyes wander around the living room just like yesterday. She recognizes more pictures now, adorable pictures of the kids. A picture from their first birthday, one where both of them are sitting in the grass with a pair of sunglasses on their noses and wrapped in big, fluffy towels. She giggles. They look so cute. There is another one. It's from their first day of kindergarten. Veronica gets up and walks towards the picture on the wall so she can take a closer look at it. Ella is wearing a cute yellow summer dress. Her hair is braided into two braids. She smiles proudly and holds her brother's hand. Ben is wearing a yellow dress shirt, which matches with Ella's dress and a pair of jeans.

"They're pretty cute huh?" Archie chuckles. Veronica flinches. She didn't expect him to be back so soon. She turns around and looks up to him. "Sorry I didn't want to-"

"It's okay Veronica" he chuckles "you can look at the pictures. This one is my favorite" he says and points to the one where the kids are wrapped in towels. "They were just 18 months old back then. I miss this time sometimes, when they were just two cute tiny little babies. I love babies. Now they're already four years old and they can get dressed by themselves, most of the time" he chuckles. "I can have a real conversation with them and they even know how to write their names"

"They'll always be your babies though, no matter how old they are"

"I know" Archie smiles "but still. I wish time would slow down a little. Uhm but let's talk about the moving in" he says and points to the couch.

Veronica sits down. She grabs a pillow and places in her lap. Archie sits down next to her. "Well first of all, do you even want to? You don't have to but we have an extra room and it would be so much easier for you"

"Yeah I want to. I think my roommate Cheryl will be happy too. I mean I love her but once I'm gone her girlfriend can move in. She's basically over everyday and lets just say noice cancelling headphones became my best friends" she giggles.

"I see" Archie chuckles. "Well how about you pack all your stuff and then on Saturday the kids and I come over and help you get all the stuff in the car.

"Sounds good" Veronica smiles. "I'll give you my number so we can....communicate" she giggles as she reaches for a piece of paper and a pen in her purse. After she wrote down her number she hands the paper to Archie. "I think I should go home. It's late and I'm kinda tired"

"Do you want me to drive you home?"

"That's sweet but you have two sleeping kids upstairs" Veronica smirks.

"Oh right. ...I can put them into their car seats and —"

"No it's okay, I'll walk or call my roommate. She'll pick me up"

"Okay. I just want to make sure you get home safely"

Veronica smiles. "Don't worry. I'll be fine"

"We have a lot of weird people in this world. Text me when you're home"

"I will" she says. She feels her cheek blush. She loves how sweet and concerned Archie is. She can't remember if anyone ever cared so much about her before. She's not really close with her parents. The most important people in her life are her grandma and her best friend/ roommate Cheryl. She's so happy she can be part of a family now.
"I'll call my roommate now" she says and grabs her phone. Archie's eyes linger on her beautiful face for a second before he looks away, gets up and walks into the kitchen to give Veronica some privacy and get a glass of water for himself.
He listens to her talk and goes back to her once the house is quiet again.

"She'll pick me up" Veronica smiles as Archie sits down on the couch.

"Perfect. Uhm did you have fun today?"

"Yeah. Your parents are so sweet and nice and I enjoyed the time with the kids too. We got a little closer.

"I know my kids and I can tell you they love you already"


"Mhm. Ella loves the attention you give her and I think she's happy there's finally another girl in this house and Ben may not speak so much yet but he trusts you"

"They're both amazing kids. I'm glad I can be part of their lives now and teach them things"

Archie chuckles. He was just about to offer her a glass of water when her phone buzzes.

"My friend is here" Veronica says. She grabs her phone and purse before he gets up. Archie gets up too and follows her to the door.

"Well then good night Veronica. I'll see you on Saturday"

"Good night Archie" she smiles before she quickly walks to her friend's car. He can here her laugh as she opens the door to get in and greet her friend.

He stays outside for a little longer to enjoy the warm summer night and to look after the red car until it's too far away.

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