Chapter 22

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When Archie walks into the bedroom Veronica is already awake. She lies on her back with her hands on her stomach and stares at the ceiling.

"Good morning honey" he smiles. He puts a cup of hot cocoa and a bowl of strawberries on the nightstand and then leans down to her. He gently kisses her lips and then her cheek and forehead.

"Hi Archiekins"

"I thought we could talk before the kids wake up"

"Okay" she mumbles and slowly sits up. She smiles when Archie hands her the cup and the bowl. "I even put whipped cream on your cocoa and I made you some strawberries because I know you love those"

"Thank you. That's really sweet" She puts the bowl in her lap and then places her free hand on his cheek. She runs her thumb over his skin and giggles. He looks so cute in the morning with his messy hair and pink cheeks. "You're the best" she whispers before she pulls his head closer to kiss him.

"Anything for you" he grins. He climbs over Veronica and sits down next to her. One arm wraps around her and pulls her closer. His hand is on the bump.

"I'm sorry about the stuff I said yesterday" he mumbles.

"It's okay"

"I shouldn't have yelled at you and I'm really sorry. I promise we will have a grownup conversation now. Can I ask you some questions?"

"Mhm" she nods and takes a sip of her cocoa.

"So you're the twins mom— I still need to process that information— you said — you said your parents forced you. Was there really no other way?"

She shakes her head. "I wish but no. Like I said I was a teenager. I had nothing. My parents hated me, most of my friends didn't want anything to do with me and my grandparents died when I was young. Even if I had a place to go I didn't have any money to buy clothes or diapers or anything"

"What about Cheryl? You said you two are friends since forever"

"She supported me and she was by my side every single seconds after I gave the twins away but her parents and my parents are best friends so..."

"I'm so sorry" he sighs. His fingers run circles on her stomach as he presses a kiss to the side of her head.

"Can I ask why the twins look the way they look? I mean you have dark hair and those dark eyes and this beautiful olive skin and they have blond hair and blue eyes and a light skin"

"They look just like their father. Both of them but especially Ben. They have my character traits though" she smiles.

"It explains why Benny was so comfortable around you so fast. It usually takes weeks before he trust someone. With you it was what? Five minutes? Ten? I think both of them felt that you were special, that you're their mom. Of course they didn't know but— I don't know I guess it was something like an instinct. I always believed that a mother and her kids have a connection that nothing and no one can break"

"Yeah probably" Veronica smiles. "I mean they were strangers to me too but the second I saw them I loved them. They are my kids and I'd do anything for them"

"I know" Archie says and runs his thumb over her cheek. "You're an amazing mom. They adore you"

"Thanks Archie"

"You know we have to tell them"

"Yeah" she sighs. Archie moves closer to her and kisses her head again. It calms her and makes her feel safe and he knows that. "They'll be fine, don't worry"

"I guess"

"Uhm Ronnie so, so you're 21?" Archie changes the subject with a grin on his face and reaches for a strawberry.


"I'm 27 so I'm 6 years older than you"

"So" she shrugs "age is just a number. We love each other right? We're expecting a baby"

"Yeah of course and I mean 6 is not that bad I just have to process that my girlfriend is so much younger than me" The smirk on his face grows
"I will totally show you off to my friends now, well more than I already do. I'm cool. I have a younger babe"

Veronica rolls her eyes but giggles.

"Let me guess. When you're this young the kindergarten thing on your resumé was a lie"

"Yeah" she mumbles "I'm sorry. I just really really needed this job"

"It's all good. Don't worry"

"You're not mad at me anymore?"

"I was never mad at you love. I was overwhelmed yesterday but I had some time to think and honestly I'm so happy about the way things are. I fell in love with the most beautiful girl in this world and equally important she fell in love with me too. She's caring my baby and my other babies have never been so happy before. I'm so glad we have you in our lives"

"Thank you. You're always so sweet to me"

"That's just who I am. I'm a sweetheart" he smirks.

Veronica stares at him for a second until she can't keep her laughter anymore. She giggles and leans into his chest and almost spills a little of her cocoa.
Archie runs his fingers through her hair and kisses the top of her head. "I love you Ronnie" he whispers.

"I love you too" she grins.

Just as they wanted to kiss Ella and Ben confidently walk into the bedroom. They climb on the bed and squeeze in between Veronica and Archie

"Good morning" Archie chuckles

"Morning Daddy" Ella smiles but turns to Veronica. "Mhh strawberries" she says and reaches for two. She puts one in her mouth and hands the other to her brother.

"Sweetheart those are Veronica's. Please ask next time"

"Sorry" The little girl mumbles with her mouth full of fruit. Veronica doesn't even care. She finally said out loud what has been on her mind for so long. She runs her fingers through Ella's soft blond hair and twirls the ends. She loves his little girl so endlessly and Ben too. When she was away from them she felt like her heart was walking around outside of her body. It still is but now she has her kids, her love, her heart close again and she will never let go.

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