Chapter 24

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I'm sorry . I know it's been forever 🥺✨

Archie sits in the backyard with a glass of ice tea in his hands. Veronica and Ella are out for a little girls day so it's just him and Ben.
The little boy sits on the swings and shows his dad how high he can go. He watches but his mind is somewhere else. He has been thinking about something special for a while now.

"Daddy look!" Ben squeals.

"I am looking"

"No you're not"

"Can you come here to me for a second" Archie says and pats his lap. The little boy rolls his eyes but jumps off the swings and runs over to him. "I have a question Benny" he says as he lifts him into his lap.

"What's up daddy?"

"I—I want to marry mommy and I —"

An excited scream interrupts him. "Really?" the little boy squeals "we'll be a real family then"

"Yes really" Archie smiles "and I need you to help me plan it. The proposal not the wedding. I'm pretty sure mommy wants a say in that"

"I think so too" Ben giggles "what about Ella?"

"We can't tell Ella yet. She can't keep anything to herself. I will tell her right before but for now this is our little secret okay buddy?"

"Yeah" he nods with a proud smile on his face. "Our secret"

"Any ideas yet?"

"Uhm— it has to be very romantic" Ben giggles "and you need flowers because mommy loves flowers"

"Romantic and flowers, noted" Archie repeats. "More ideas?"

"Uhm" Ben says and taps his finger against his chin. "You have to be very nice to her and tell her you love her and then you have to say 'will you marry me?'"

"Okay, good. I understand" Archie grins. "Can you help we with choosing the right ring?"

"I can help?" the little boy asks with big eyes. He slowly turn and looks up to his dad.

"Yeah. I want you to help me"

Tears form in the boys eyes. He nods eagerly and then hugs Archie tightly.

"Bud why are you crying?" Archie asks softly as he holds him close. "I always wanted a mommy and now I have one and you'll marry her" he sniffs. "We'll be a family"

"Yeah we will be" Archie smiles. He wraps his arms tighter around his son and kisses his head a couple of times. "Do you want to go look now?"


"Yeah! We have time now. Mommy and Ella aren't home"

"Okay!" the boy grins. He claps his hands and jumps off Archie's lap. "Come on daddy!"


It's just a very short car ride to Archie's favorite jewelry store. He passed by that store so often and already saw so many beautiful things. He wishes he could buy Veronica everything but he doesn't want to make her feel like he's buying her love. Kisses and cuddles and flowers already make her as happy as she can be.
Ben explains Archie over and over again how he has to propose and what he has to say.
As Archie parks the car. Ben squeals excitedly. He can't wait to get out of the car and into the store. The little boy already unfastened his seatbelt when Archie opens the car door.

"Should the ring be silver or gold?" he asks as he holds his hand towards his son.

"Silver. I don't like gold" Ben says and wrinkles his nose. He places his little hand into Archie's and jumps outside.

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