Chapter One

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Flicking through the collection of photos on her laptop, Hayley's eyes remained dull as she tried to find the perfect one. They were all photo's of herself of course - she was an aspiring model to be and hoping to build her portfolio - all of which were in desperate need of editing. That was this weeks plan anyway. Clicking onto the next one, her once empty eyes got filled with a new emotion as she saw it. It was a college photo of her and her newly made friends all holding up beers at a party.

She'd dropped out of college the very next week and returned home to her mother. In her own mind it was completely pathetic, she didn't even last seven months. Hovering her hand over the next button she tried to drag the will to move on from within her but it was like a guard over the button was there and she couldn't get past it until she was in her deepest and worse mental place. Not today, and she slammed down the next button changing the photo again.

Hearing a noise coming from outside she peered up at the window to see if it was just the tree but when it came again she stood to her feet walking to the front door where Scott was stood with a baseball bat, "if you're planning to fend yourself from a murderer with that, then I have a feeling we're both going to end up dead," she joked.

"So you heard it to?" He asked and she nodded.

Opening the door he peered outside to investigate and she was quick to follow. It was like they knew there was something lurking in the shadows and yet they couldn't figure out what it was. Turning to look around herself, she glanced back at Scott opening her mouth to say something when a figure's upper body fell from the roof.

All three of them began screaming as Scott moved to hit them with a baseball bat Hayley quickly reached up grabbing onto it as she recognised the boy. "Stiles!" She snapped, "what the hell are you doing on the roof?"

"Scott wasn't answering his phone!" He snapped back before he looked over to his best friend, "why do you have a bat?" He cried.

"I thought you were a predator."

"A pre-what?" Stiles asked, clearly appalled by the possibility, before scoffing and changing the subject. Although Hayley was debating as to whether that was a reasonable answer. Murderer or kidnapper or robber she got, by why specifically a predaor "Look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. Dispatch called-- they're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even state police."

"For what?" Scott questioned a frown overcoming his face.

"Two joggers found a body in the woods." It was then did Stiles finally get down in front of the pair.

"What, a dead body?"

"No, a body of water."

"Well if it wasn't dead then, it would be by now." Hayley added on. "Yes it would be a dead body."

"You mean, like, murdered?" Scott asked growing far more concerned than any of the other two would.

"Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties."

"Early twenties or late twenties?" Hayley asked and Stiles looked at her confused, "I'm almost twenty...I need to know If I'm at risk of being in the targeted demographic of the murderer's favourites," she added on but Scott cut in not letting her question be answered.

"Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?"

Stiles glee overcame him and Hayley raised her brow at the smile which had been brought in on his face, "that's the best part...they only found half." He explained and Stiles voice become adamant as he met his non-biological brother's eyes, "we're going."

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