Chapter Forty-Five

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A/N: So this chapter get's a little spicy in terms of mature content. However, there is nothing explicit. I just want to warn you because there are some parts where you're like If I read further I might have to bleach my eyes, but don't worry. I got you with the implied and heavy sexual themes but nothing obvious.

Liam had been kidnapped, although it didn't matter much because he was found and he was safe. The tension between both Hayley and Derek was still strong although they hadn't argued it was clear that they hadn't resolved the issue either. She'd also been trapped in the loft whilst there had been a weaponized disease crawling through all the werewolves to prevent Talia from getting it.

They were in the loft right now.

"I'm going to ask Braeden to teach me how to a human," Derek said, and she lifted her eyes from the magazine and shifted her attention to him. Talia was on a play mat entertaining herself for once.

He was shirtless with a collection of deep cuts in his stomach. He'd gotten the wounds the day before. Frowning, she placed the magazine down and twisted her self so that she could look at him. "Why?"

"Because...I just think it will be beneficial," he said and she narrowed her eyes not believing him for a second.

"Why aren't you healing?" She questioned as she pushed herself to a stand and she crossed her arms.

"Some wounds take longer..." he trailed off, and she raised her brow not impressed by his easy lies.

"Yes, and I watched a pole go right through you and you healed within an hour... so why aren't you healing?" She repeated.

"Maybe I'm just tired..."

She scoffed rolling her eyes, "didn't Peter ever teach you how to lie? Or at least do some level of basic manipulation," she pointed out and his hopeful eyes dropped into annoyance, "show me your eyes," she ordered and he narrowed them confused.

"You're looking at them now."

"Your wolf eyes," he couldn't. After a few seconds, she sighed, "sit."

"I am not a ch-"

"You sit, and then you tell me what is going on. Or no dinner," she warned as she pointed to the sofa and he stood there for a few seconds contemplating what he should be doing before he walked over to the sofa and took a seat. She nodded walking over to the bathroom to get the mini first aid kit she'd put together for when she got injured since she was the only one within the loft who actually needed it.

As she got back, she quickly treated the wound and from what she was seeing she wasn't particularly worried about it. He watched her with careful interest and he knew he wanted to speak. There was a lunatic river trapped inside him that couldn't break past the dam. He couldn't only watch her.

"It's just a graze from the looks of it, but it can still get infected," she muttered leaning back as she did so and he caught her wrist before she could leave completely.

"When did you learn how to treat wounds?"

"My moms a nurse, my dads an FBI agent... it's sort of in the child description. Plus Scott... him and Stiles."

He nodded, "yeah, I can see that," he finalised not even having to go into detail as to why she needs to know any of it. The corner of her lips quirked up slightly, but just as quickly as it had come it had dropped and she pushed herself to her feet taking a step back. In doing so her hand was dragged from his grip.

"Go on then, tell me what's going on."

"It's all gone."

"What do you mean?"

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