Chapter Three

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"Scott?" Hayley called out as she walked through their house. She had changed into a tank top and shorts after a shower and was pressing a towel to her hair in weak attempts to dry it, "Scott you here?" She called out again as she tried to find him. After she checked his room and saw that there was no one there she went down stairs to make her dinner whilst turning the TV on at the same time.

There was a collection of reports on animal attacks and break in within the neighbourhood on the news. But it wasn't that story which caught her attention the most. 'Derek Hale was arrested last night on suspicion of murder..." dropping the potato she was peeling, she hissed in pain as water splashed out burning her hand. Leaving it in the water she walked closer to the tv whilst wiping her hand on her t-shirt, 'half an unnamed body was found at his current residence.'

The noise fell from her mind as the words echoed around her head. A dead body at the Hale residence and Derek Hale was the one who was supposed to be the murderer. Derek Hale who'd she just been in his lone house with, having sex with, next to a body. A sickness rose in her throat and she stumbled back pressing her hand to her mouth. As it bubbled from her stomach to her throat she ran to the kitchen throwing herself over the sink as the bile left her body.

In her own mind all she could think about was that it could have been her. Perhaps it was some strange Ted Bundy situation again and she would have been dragged to his house and then murdered. Maybe that was what his speech was about to whoever he was talking to.

She didn't hear the door open as Scott walked into the house and he headed into the kitchen confused as he spotted his sister gripping onto the edges of the sink as if she was trying to break it in her hands. "Hayley?" He asked and she was dragged from her mind just enough to register it all. Turning on the tap she washed her hands before moving to go upstairs.

"I'm...I'm fine. I'm fine," she repeated heading towards her room, "I can't... I can't go to the game tomorrow," she excused and he frowned but nodded regardless.

She wanted so desperately to brush her teeth but she was worried she'd end up throwing up her regret and horror. It was strange. She was in no danger and yet knowing the possibility of everything had drove everything into a new direction.

It was strange when she found out that Derek Hale had been released and that the body had been named. It was his sister. Laura Hale had been found dead - chopped in half - buried in his back yard. That brought the question of did he actually do it or did he just try and pay his respects. Regardless it was all strange and terrifying to her.

Filling in the crossword, she sighed as she waited for something to happen. Of course she was working and due to the late hours there was very few people actually filling up their gas - all due to the curfew which had been implemented from the animal attacks.

Seeing something in the corner of her eye she glanced out the window to see a familiar black camaro show up, "oh god," she muttered but turned away not wanting to watch. She was hoping that someone else would have the same car as the potential murderer did.

Seeing more movement in the corner of her eye she glanced out the window again to see two more cars surrounding it the camaro. Frowning she clicked onto the view from the correct security camera to watch that and the view was far stranger than it should have been. Grabbing onto her notebook and pen, she walked to the back of the store and round so that she could avoid the light. As she got outside their voices became clearer although none of them could see her.

"Personally... I'm very protective of the things I love. But that's something I learned from my family...And you don't have much of that these days... do you?" The new man asked just as she got round the corner. "There you go. You can actually look through your windshield now. See how that makes everything so much clearer?"

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