Chapter Thirty-Three

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Bringing her hand up to smother a yawn, she glanced around at the dark street trying to find any sign of danger. So far, there was nothing. She had a bag filled with sweets in her hand whilst Derek was carrying Talia not wanting to put her down. It still slightly upset her to see, although she'd done a good enough job at hiding it as she tried to ignore the horrible ache and nausea it brought her. It was Halloween night and they'd spent the day out (just at a local park) trying to bring some form of normality to their small little family and now they got to go home - Hayley's favourite part.

"Trick or treat," a couple of sweet little voices called out, and both Hayley and Derek turned around to look at the kids confused. The children took one look at Derek and began to cower away, causing Hayley to hold out the bag of sweets to them. Glancing over at Derek, she raised her brow.

"You're supposed to smile," she reminded, and he plastered a smile on his face causing the kids to light up with joy as they took a sweet each running off. Straightening out, she turned to look at Derek who had amusement on his face but he'd already dropped his smile. That was the problem with him, he never smiled. It was like it was the most unnatural thing for him to do so and she just didn't understand it.

A figure appeared behind Hayley, and Derek quickly shoved Talia into her hands before pushing her back with a growl. The human girl scrambled to grab onto the child in hopes of not dropping her before she whirled around to face the offending doom. Holding the child to her body, she clutched her hand against Talia's head praying that they weren't going to get hurt.

The fight was quick and Derek was knocked to the floor causing fear to break the barricade and flood through Hayley as she watched the Oni press it's hand against his head. He released another roar of pain which caused Talia to cry and the Oni looked over to Hayley who took a step back preparing herself to run...and then it disappeared.

Bringing his hand up to the side of his head, he looked up to the sky releasing another roar and for a split second Talia's eyes lit up a golden colour but it was gone just as quickly as it had come.

"What the hell was that?!" Hayley snapped, as he managed to push himself up.

"What's on the side of my ear?" He asked, and she stepped around looking at it and squinting her eyes through the darkness. None of them even cared about how much Talia was crying.

"It's a number five...w-what does that mean?" She asked as she took a step back.

"I don't know."

Getting a stuffed cow thrown at his face, Derek shut his eyes with a sigh before he looked over to the baby which had snot and tears streaming down their cheeks. "Yeah, okay," he muttered bending down to pick up the toy. "Come here," he urged holding out his hands and Hayley sighed feeling the weight returning on her heart as she passed over the child. It took a few minutes but she slowly stopped crying, "we need to get back to Scott."

"Yeah, sure," Hayley agreed, "you can put her in the seat," grabbing onto the bags on the floor, she headed towards the boot tossing them in before heading back to the front to get into the car herself.

Making it back to the loft, they weren't greeted with the quiet place they usually were. Hayley leant forward looking at all the flashing neon lights that were coming through the window. Both of them sat there for a moment trying to figure out what the hell was going on. They could hear the music from out in the car and it was a strange thing to watch.

"They better not have touched my wine," Hayley mused as she looked at it.

"They better not have touched my anything," Derek countered as he opened the car door and stepped out, "stay here until I say so," he ordered and she sighed leaning back into her seat and rolling her eyes.

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