Chapter Forty

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Whatever it was, she wanted to break it. Every inch of her body burned and ached and she feared that this was it. This was the death of Hayley McCall. She didn't even know why she was in so much pain or what was happening. She was lying in the hospital bed and her face was pale and there was an IV connected to her arm which was one of the contributors to the burning pain entering her body.

Both Rafael and Melissa had been taking turns keeping an eye on their daughter since she'd first been admitted into the hospital. The ambulance turned up at the loft and found nothing but Hayley's unconscious bleeding body - a t-shirt had been wrapped around the bullet wounds preventing her death - and the sound of a crying baby. The McCall grandparents had been looking after Talia. Derek was gone.

Forcing her eyes open, she looked around the room her eyes settling on Melissa who was stood beside her biting her nails. Scott was a small distance away "Hey, hey there sweetheart. What happened? You okay?" She rushed out, and Hayley frowned trying to push herself up only to cry out in pain, "no, you can't do that. You were shot. Twice."

"I was what?" She rasped out her voice hoarse and filled with pain.

"You were shot."


"Is with your father. She's okay. The doctor said that you've been stable for a while," Melissa assured, "now what happened? What do you remember?"

She remembered Aiden dying and then her crying about it and then....

"Derek. Where is he... he... the loft..." she began again, and Scott frowned.

"Sweetheart, no-one's seen him for days."

"You have to find him," she wheezed out and Scott nodded.

"I think I know who's got him. I think it's Araya and the hunters," he admitted and Melissa sighed as she looked back to him.

"You go then," she urged before she looked back to Hayley, "I'm going to go get the doctor. You stay here."

"Who- who is the doctor?"

"Dr. Greyer."

She'd never heard of him before.

The doctor soon came in and he immediately smiled at Hayley. Melissa was directly behind him and she offered a smile though her own pain as she looked over to him. "Hello there Ms. McCall, how are you feeling today?"

"Like I've been shot... twice."

He hesitated before he nodded his head to the side as if to say 'fair enough' before a smile broke out on his face, "you remind me of my step-son, Liam," Hayley glanced over to Melissa begging for help. She didn't want to be in conversation she wanted to be at home and asleep.

It was three days later when she could finally go home and due to the lack of Derek Hale, she was forced to go to the McCall house so that she had help with the baby. Something which she definitely needed since every movement was agony ripping her in half. Whoever had done this better of suffered and better suffer still because even sitting up made her want to cry.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, she looked to Talia who was asleep in a travel cot that had been put up in the living room. Grabbing onto the arm of the sofa, she pushed herself to her feet and crept over to the door wincing with every movement. She should have waited for them to come to her.

"We're going to wait here for Scott. We're going to sit quietly. We're not going to call or talk to anyone." Stiles's voice sounded as she grabbed onto the door frame peering around and she tried to figure out who the child was. He looked to be fifteen or sixteen and she had no idea.

Just a Kid [Derek Hale]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant