Chapter Forty-Nine

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Stepping around the corner, she tried to ignore the persistent footsteps which followed her. They'd been following her since within the store and now she was ready to punch them except she wasn't going to do that because she didn't want to die. Whilst she knew the basics of how to fight she also knew that compared to a trained hunter she was probably going to lose and potentially die. She really didn't want to die.

Making it to the car park, she rolled her eyes before turning around to face the people and five men stepped out all of them carrying guns. A couple of them had sadistic smirks on their faces and others looked completely fine. Like they were void of emotion. "We finally caught you Mama Hale," that brought another roll of her eyes.

"Well that's quite tragic for you since I wasn't running," she scoffed crossing her arms as she looked over to them. "And as I've said before...if it's mama anything it's Mama McCall."

"Come on, you know you don't want to fight us," one of them droned.

"You're right I don't," she sighed out, "but he does," she added on and they looked around confused. She looked up to the floor above them and they all followed in her sight just as Derek leapt down his eyes glowing blue and the hunters swung around to face him. Derek pulled two of them back instantly and they flung to the floor unconscious. One of them made an effort to shoot his gun but he'd already caught hold of the barrel and he forced it up so that the bullet went into the ceiling at the same time breaking the man's hand. One punch knocked him out. Grabbing the last two, he slammed them together and as their heads made contact they fell to the floor once more.

"Are you done getting into trouble?" He asked looking over to Hayley who rolled her eyes for the third time.

"You're getting slower," she countered, "God, can we go so we can get back to our child?" Due to the nature of their adventure they'd left the now the almost two-year-old Talia with Cora. It had been a week and it was killing her now.

"The vaults around the corner from here. We should be good to get home soon," he promised and she nodded as they went towards the vehicle.

"I still can't believe you stole this stupid car," she scoffed. It was sleek, it was black, it looked like a cool car that he would have had ages ago and he'd found it in a warehouse under a tarp where a dead pack was. A cheeky proud smile formed on his face encouraging her to shake her head in dismay, "you're a child."

Night had fallen by the time they made it to the area where the vault was. They were in North Carolina and they were in what looked to be a shanty town due to the fact it was littered with a multitude of sheds and small buildings made from scraps of corrugated metal and wood.

Sensing someone following behind them, Derek's hand pressed on Hayley's lower back nudging her forward and she looked up to him with a frown but already knew what it meant. Turning down an alley, the pair hid in the shadows as another figure clad in a leather jacket entered. He was walking slowly and deliberately as if waiting for any threatening danger, but they were the only danger there.

Hayley was the first to recognise him. She opened her mouth to announce it when Derek had grabbed onto Argent's coat and slammed him against the wall with the latter hitting it with a grunt. She sighed throwing her hand out gently, "by the way it's Argent," she announced as the two men stared at each other in shock, relief, and annoyance.

"Derek," Argent greeted.

"You could've called," Derek reminded and both Hayley and Argent looked at him as if he was stupid.

"You don't have a phone!" They both snapped simultaneously.

Derek froze slightly as he realised he was right before he gave a gentle nod, "I should probably get one."

Just a Kid [Derek Hale]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz