Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hearing the sound of Talia beginning to stir, Derek quickly began a mission on trying to soothe the child. "Hey, no, no, no," he whispered, "mommy's asleep and gonna kill daddy if she get's woken up," he added on in just as soft of a tone as he looked over to the bed where Hayley was still sprawled across hidden in the mess of sheets and pillows - with an added blanket because she was still complaining that it was too cold.

His heart still ached for what had happened to Boyd but he'd moved away from grief and was now filled with the need for vengeance. The battle had begone and it was one that he did not intend to lose. This was one that could have been avoided but of course... no-one was ever smart enough to avoid a fight in this world. It was war after war after war. And now he was going to win. He couldn't even dare lose. Not now that he had more to lose than he did before.

"What time is it?" A voice groaned out, and he glanced up see Hayley trying and failing to push herself out of the mess of blankets. She was too tired to bother to get out and so as she pushed herself half up she instead collapsed back into the bed which was followed by a gentle and soft 'ow' from the tug that it brought on her still healing wound.

"Nine in the morning."

"Nine in the..." she scoffed, pushing herself up again so she could look at him, "am I dying? I shouldn't be awake this early," she said looking around and trying to find the reason she was awake. He rolled his eyes his face filled with amusement as he walked over to the bed taking a seat on it.

"This one's been awake since four this morning," he mused, and she raised her brow crawling over to the edge of the bed to look at the child.

"You should have woken me up."

"You're satan Hayley. No-one in their right mind would wake you up," he reminded, and she rolled her eyes dragging the blankets closer around herself to keep warm, "besides something told me she wasn't hungry. She just wanted attention... did you know she has three different cries? One for when she wants attention, one for when she's hungry or needs something done, and one for when she's sad." He explained.

"No... because I have this thing called human senses," she countered, "now give her to mommy, I'm not letting you just be the favourite parent yet," she joked.

"Are you sure you should be doing that, you're still healing," he reminded gesturing to the outline of the bandage which could be seen through her top and she rolled her eyes.

"I survived childbirth, I can survive this," she muttered, and he scoffed shaking his head with a slight chuckle.

"You're such a nightmare," he joked passing over the child.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, Derek Hale," she mused as she looked down at her child a smile forming on her own face. It was barely a dozen seconds before Talia started crying, and Hayley's smile dropped, "does she hate me? Do you have a wolfy sense that can tell me if she hates me?" She asked, her voice filled with desperation, and he shook his head with a smile.

"She doesn't hate you. There's multiple reasons why she's crying: she can smell the milk, she knows it's you," that was something which made the mother frown as she didn't understand what he meant. If he was insulting her again then he'd end up with more than just an alpha pack to worry about, "it's a natural thing that a baby cries more around the mother because they want their attention and only their attention, do you need me to continue..."

"She's crying because I'm a walking piece of meat," she finalized. She was caught up on the first reason, and he rolled his hands before he brushed the hair out of her face noticing it getting dangerously close to her eyes. Hayley glanced up at him confused.

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