Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Hey, you need to push," the midwife said, and she tried her best with a pained scream.

"Okay, so I think I'm goin' to go-" Peter began trying to edge out of the room but she reached out grabbing onto his wrist with as much strength as he could. He grimaced in pain leaning down in hopes of putting his wrist in a better position so that he was in less pain.

"Don't you even think about it, you jackass!" She growled. After the news, Peter had been forced to get her to go to the hospital since Derek's injuries had prevented him from doing anything for himself. That had also meant that he hadn't gotten to the hospital yet and since she didn't want to be alone, Hayley had forced Peter to stay.

Rushing through the hospital, Derek (now healed and with a clean shirt) dodged every person who was in his way trying to get to the correct unit. He kept trying to listen out for the familiar heart beats but there were so many. Cora was right behind him struggling to keep up, but that didn't mean he was going to slow down. The moment he'd healed enough, he'd changed his shirt and washed off the blood to rush to the hospital.

Finally making it to the correct room, his hand fell upon the door frame to see the mad scene and one of the midwife's looked up at him confused, "sorry, who are you?" He asked.

"He's the god forsaken dad!" Hayley shouted, and the midwife nodded gesturing for him to enter. He looked so lost in comparison to Peter who was still gritting out in pain.

"Will you get this girl off me?!"

"Okay, you need to push again."

"No, this is your fault, your fault! You absolute psychopathic bastard!...oh my god!" She screamed, referring to Peter who rolled his eyes whilst Derek still stood there completely lost. He felt like he should be taking away her pain, but he couldn't do that in a crowd of people.

Soon the room was replaced by the screams of the mother by the screams of a baby and, once it had been wrapped up and they were positive the child was alive they walked over to Hayley who'd finally dropped Peter's hand. "Here," the midwife smiled, passing over the child and she took her in her arms. Except her eyes were blank. There was no spark.

Looking up to Derek, her eyes were replaced by absolute anger, "I'm going to kill you. Your fault. Always your fault," she muttered and he sighed with a nod. He'd known that was coming.

"Yeah, okay. My fault," he agreed stepping closer to have a look. Like most new born babies, she was an absolute ugly little thing. One of his hands gently rested on the back of her head hidden from view and whilst no-one could see the black veins going up his arm, she didn't even notice it she was so focused on the child in front of her. "She's perfect.

It was about an hour later, and Hayley had fallen asleep in the bed and beside her Melissa was stood with her back to the door and a large smile on her face. Peter was sat in the corner looking bored, annoyed, and exhausted. Derek was stood beside Melissa his eyes trained on his daughter whilst Cora had a smile on her face sat beside Peter.

"Well, don't you want to hold your daughter?" She asked, looking over to Derek who seemed to freeze up.

"I might hurt her," he pointed out, and she shook her head.

"No you won't, just copy my actions," she urged and he held his hands out how she was holding her, "now remember to support her head." They were being as quiet as possible so they didn't wake up Hayley who was more than likely going to slaughter them if they did.

As he felt the warmth of his new child in his arms, a smile broke out on his face, "she's so small," he muttered.

"Yep, 6lb 3. It's nice to see babies this small nowadays," she mused, "I think she looks like her mother," Melissa added on.

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