Chapter Five

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"Do you want me to get anything, sweetie?" Melissa asked as she looked at her eldest child. She was wrapped up in a blanket lying down on the sofa. She hadn't moved in ages. Everything seemed so stupid to her now. All this time there was a whole world that she didn't even know about and no-one could ever know about it. All this time her brother had been lying to her and she'd slept with a werewolf. Scott had been off as well after his break up with Allison and then he wasn't taking her fear of him well either.

She felt guilty for fearing him, but she couldn't not. There was also an overwhelming nausea and dizziness that threatened to remain forever and she couldn't place that either.

"I'm fine," she muttered bringing the blanket closer to her face.

"What are your symptoms again?"

"Nausea, dizziness, nasal congestion and food tastes horrible," she listed and Melissa frowned opening her mouth to say something when the sound of a key in the door was heard.

"Scott?" Melissa called out hoping it would be her son as she went into the entrance hall, but she was only left confused as she saw Stiles instead.

"Stiles," he countered.


"Yeah, I had one made, so--"

" That doesn't surprise me," Melissa admitted, "It scares me, but it doesn't surprise me." She watched as he dropped a duffel bag on the floor and she glanced at it with a raised brow. It sounded heavy, "what's that?"

"Uh, school project..."

Melissa hummed knowing she didn't want to go into it, "Stiles, he's okay, right?" She asked and Stiles looked at her confused before it clicked in his mind.

"Who, Scott? Yeah, totally..."

"He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore. Not like he used to and with Hayley acting weird as well..." she trailed off and Stiles found himself not knowing what else he was supposed to say. It was like how he felt guilty that he couldn't tell his dad anything, if his dad knew then he would be better prepared. He would be safer, he could do his job knowing that there was more to it than just a human killer and a mountain lion. Now Melissa was staring at him completely heart broken and worried about the condition of her kids.

"Well, he's had a bit of a rough week..."

"Yeah. Yeah, I get it. Yeah. Um, okay. Uh, be careful tonight."

"You, too."

"Full moon."

That was the word that caught his attention and panic flooded him, "what?"

"There's a full moon tonight," she clarified as she grabbed onto her keys, "you should see how the ER gets-- brings out all the nutjobs."

"Oh," Stiles breathed out, no longer concerned about the woman's words.



"You know, it's, um, actually where they came up with the word "lunatic."" She soon left and Stiles went upstairs to deal with Scott.

Hayley didn't know what she was supposed to be doing. She didn't know anything about werewolves other than the very limited information Derek had told her and truly the information he'd given hadn't clarified anything. She'd tried googling it all but that was all useless. It just kept mentioning silver bullets and how cutlery will burn their skin which she was positive was wrong since she'd seen Scott use silver forks for the past few weeks.

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