Chapter 13

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I make it to work without a moment to spare, but with plenty of sweat to go around. With the sun beating down and not a cloud in sight, today's looking like a real scorcher. I grab the keys for the front door from my messenger bag, and throw myself over the threshold, flipping the sign on the door from closed to open in the process. I'm thanking my lucky stars that Marlene isn't in yet, and I start up the air conditioning. Marlene has whoever is working the closing shift turn off the air conditioning when they leave for the night, and whoever opens the next day turns it back on. Yes, it saves money, but whoever is unlucky enough to work the morning shift gets to start their day off in a sauna. With my blood already pumping and my heart racing from the run over here, the shop is feeling more like one of the levels of hell from Dante's Inferno.

I wipe my forehead and throw my braid over my shoulder. After getting the cash register up and running and doing some inventory checks, Marlene walks through the door, iced coffee in hand and large circular sunglasses resting on her forehead, her dark choppy bob swishing around her chin with every step she takes.

"Morning, Delia."

"Good morning, Marlene."

She points to the shelves all around her.

"Are we all square with the inventory?"

"Yes, I checked when I got in this morning." She eyes me up and down. "Seems like you worked up quite a sweat counting the magnets."

I manage to emit a semi normal laugh. I don't understand how adults can be so dense sometimes. Yes, I think to myself, I know I have some visible sweat stains, but thank you for pointing them out as if I hadn't noticed them or been stressing out about them before now. Thank you for making things infinitely worse, I sincerely appreciate it.

"My bike had a flat so I had to use the 'ole two feet method to get into work today."

She doesn't even bother trying to muster up a fake laugh, or even a smile. "Well, just try to dry off a bit."

She chuckles to herself, but when I don't chime in, she stops with one of those drawn out sighs (not so fun having someone not laugh at your jokes, is it now?).

"Anyways, I'll be in my office if you need anything."

I nod my head, and she walks off, ice cubes clinking in her plastic cup.

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