Chapter 40

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The first thing that I notice is that the party seems... wilder this year. All of our classmates seem to be really letting loose, as if they know that after tonight, we're on a path that is taking us towards the rest of our lives. I suddenly itch with the feeling to make the most of this night. Indigo and I make our way through the house, trying to get to the kitchen where we will no doubt find our friends, since Bingo is a beer pong champion. We push through a mass of gyrating bodies, slurred greetings, and sprawled limbs. We finally reach the kitchen just as a roar of cheers erupt.

We're greeted by the masses screaming Chug! Chug! Chug! at Boingo as he tilts back his last red cup, jumping to the rhythm of the chants. He crushes his cup as he finishes, and the crowd goes wild. He throws it at Bingo, who's eating up the glory of beating his older brother. I see that Jasmine, Patrick, and Samson are gathered around Bingo, cheering him on while also playfully heckling his brother.

"You cheated!" Boingo says to Bingo as he makes his way over to the small group, the next round of players setting up the table for the next round.

"I did not; you just can't accept that the student has now become the master." Bingo gives him a mock bow. Boingo shoves his shoulder playfully, losing his balance in the process. Indigo and I rush over to steady him, and he drapes his arms around us. His eyes are hazy and unfocused as he looks between me and Indigo.

"Hey! If it isn't my favourite twins!"

"We're the only twins you know, Boingo," I say to him as he steadies himself back up, lifting his weight off our shoulders. He points at me, a serious look on his face.

"Not true; there are twins on my floor at school, but they aren't half as cute as you two," he points between Indigo and me, a drunken grin breaking over his face. He suddenly turns towards Samson and Bingo.

"I don't know what's up your asses, but you guys are being total tools to these two fine young ladies." And with that, he leaves the kitchen, swerving at the last minute to avoid the doorframe. Bingo turns red at the words, while Samson gets a sheepish look on his face. For a moment, a quiet descends over us, but Jasmine is quick to break it.

"I'm so glad you guys are finally here," she says as she moves away from Patrick to stand near us, her off the shoulder cream dress swaying around her knees. I see an irritated look pass over Patrick's face as she does.

"It was getting pretty lame with the guys; all they've been talking about is beer pong technique."

"It's all in the wrist," Bingo says smoothly.

"Isn't it always that way with you?" Indigo quips back quickly. Bingo looks defeated at the words, and I can see that Indigo is frustrated. She puts her hands on her hips as she looks at Bingo, and shakes her pixie cut out of her face.

"You want to go grab a drink?" she says hastily as she nods her head over her shoulder.

"Yes, definitely," Bingo says without hesitation, knowing he has to seize possibly the only chance he will be given tonight. They walk away and as he passes me he gives me a tentative smile and a thumbs up. As he follows her out of the kitchen, I hope he knows that this is his last chance. It's one more than Indigo has ever given any other guy, and I hope he doesn't blow it. With them gone, it's just the four of us. It looks like we're going to end the summer how we started it.

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