Chapter 16

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Jasmine, Samson, and I arrive at the restaurant at the same time that Patrick is walking up the opposite sidewalk. His steps slow as he takes in the sight of our trio, but then he picks up the pace to meet us at the front door. We're having dinner at Valeria's, a small Italian café on the boardwalk that's not too far from where the games are set up. Valeria's is a family owned and operated restaurant, serving up drool worthy Italian food. I can smell the marinara and basil from outside and it's heavenly. I can already feel my mood picking up.

"Why didn't you guys let me know we were all walking over together? I would have met up with you," asks Patrick in a clipped tone.

Jasmine waves her hand nonchalantly in the air. "It wasn't planned, Samson just happened to be passing by the gift shop as we were getting ready to leave."

"Of course he was," mutters Patrick under his breath.

Jasmine reaches out to grab his hand and she swings their arms back and forth. Her tone is light but her eyes are slightly crinkled with worry. "Don't worry, you can make it up to me tonight by winning me a stuffed animal," Jasmine says as she makes her way through the entrance. I swear I see Patrick cringe behind her as we follow them inside, knowing full well his lackluster capabilities.

We're seated right away in a booth tucked away at the back of the restaurant near a window. The leather sticks to my thighs and I squeak as I shuffle into the booth, probably leaving some skin behind. Samson sits next to me, with Patrick and Jasmine across from us. We're all perusing the menu, me making more of a show of trying to decide what I want even though I know I'll get what I always get, when we're greeted by our waitress.

"My favourite people all in one spot, what a treat!" says Indigo with an impish grin. My head snaps up so fast I'm surprised I didn't pull a muscle. Samson exclaims joyfully and holds out his fist for a fist bump; Indigo eagerly hits back with the accompanying sound effect.

"You don't work on Friday," I say to no one in particular.

"Usually I don't, but Sarah caught the summer flu so I said I'd fill in her for," Indigo replies while smoothing down her apron. "It's not like I had anything planned, since I wasn't invited out to be the fifth wheel with you guys," she says while looking up at me from under her lashes.

"I'm so sorry," Jasmine says with a blush, "I figured that's exactly why you wouldn't have wanted to come..."

Indigo makes a pish-posh it doesn't matter at all face while swinging her small notepad in the air.

"Don't even worry about it, I'll just be expecting a big tip to make up for it." We all sit in silence. Jasmine looks at me. I shrug my shoulders. Indigo sighs while she puts a hand on her hip.

"I'm just joking, guys." Jasmine visibly relaxes at hearing this, and Indigo continues on with her scripted song and dance.

"So what will it be?" she asks the table. Samson orders chicken parmesan, Jasmine goes for the ravioli, and Patrick asks for the lasagna. Indigo takes all this down, grabs our menus, and turns to walk away.

"Wait," says Jasmine, "you forgot Delia."

Indigo does a slow turn and points at me. "Spaghetti bolognese?"

I nod my head. "Spaghetti bolognese," I repeat back. Indigo throws a thumbs-up over her shoulder and walks away.

Jasmine looks back and forth between where Indigo was and where I am.

"You guys seriously are twins," she says with some awe in her voice. Patrick rolls his eyes at her comment, but Samson nods along with her.

"Don't even get them started on smoothie ingredients."

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