Chapter 38

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"Did I not specifically tell you that this was a no boy zone tonight?" I ask Bingo as I lean onto the railing of our back deck, Jasmine close on my heels. Bingo throws me an impish grin and shrugs his shoulders.

"Who really knows what we say and what it all even means."

Indigo rolls her eyes, but the words ignite a spark in Sarah. She makes her way over to him and puts her hand on his bicep. Indigo narrows her eyes just a smidge.

"I'm so glad you're here Bing, you're just what we need to liven this party up!" she says while tossing her head back. I throw her a look; Sarah is the only person who gives a nickname another nickname. She ignores my look.

Bingo puffs out his chest. "Well, the one-man Bingo party has arrived, with some backup for you ladies."

He motions behind him and Samson walks out from the shadows. I feel my heart clench in my chest as our eyes meet. He quickly looks away. I try to push aside the sinking feeling that it brings along. I turn my focus back to Bingo.

"Bingo, no; I'm sure you can find some other people to bother tonight, but it's not going to be us."

"Jeez, Lia; lighten up! No offense, but this sleepover has been a snooze fest so far. I'm sure the boys can help us kick it up a notch." She does a little shimmy, and Bingo's eyes stayed glued on to her. Boys have such a one track mind, it's honestly pathetic. Before I can chime in and try to get Bingo to leave, taking Samson and this uncomfortable situation with him, Indigo pipes up.

"Let them stay Lia," she says as she walks by Bingo towards Samson. She links her arms with his; Samson gives her a startled look but he goes with her as she pulls him past Bingo and Sarah. She shakes out her hair and gives a little extra sway to her hips. Bingo's eyes flash darkly as they trail her. I sigh; knowing that this situation is now completely out of my hands and becoming a shit storm quickly, I feel myself succumbing to the turning tides. I shake my head and shrug my shoulders at Jasmine. She gives me an excited look and prances along with the others. She gives my shoulder a squeeze as she passes by.

We all make our way back inside the house, sprawling out on the various pieces of furniture in the living room. Bingo grabs a box of leftover pizza and starts demolishing it on the couch. Samson reaches over and grabs a slice from the box before there's nothing left. He sits next to Sarah, sandwiching her between the two them. Samson chose the spot that gets him the farthest from me in our small living room. Jasmine takes up the spot next to me, and Indigo sits at the carpet near our feet. Sarah has a cat-who-ate-the-canary look on her face at how the seating arrangements turned out. I have to fight the urge to wipe the smirk off her face. I take a deep breath.

"So Bingo; since you've so graciously invited yourself over and inserted yourself smack in the middle our night, what do you have in store for us?" I can feel myself being snarky; I hate that I am but I can't seem to push it down. He puts the empty pizza box on the table, and rubs his hands gleefully together.

"Truth or dare," he says simply.

"Seriously?" I say to him. "How old are we, twelve?"

"Scared that the truth might finally come out?" Sarah says with a pointed look at me. Samson quickly looks between us, probably wondering how much has already been divulged tonight. He shifts on the couch cushion.

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