Chapter 28

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"We must be hitting all the stereotypical couple activities this summer," I say to Indigo who's standing next to me in entrance to the mini-golf course. We're surrounded by plastic flamingos, smiling frogs, and green velvety faux grass turf as far as the eye can see.

"Well, you and Samson are trying to pull off the stereotypical couple vibe, so don't make fun of mini-golf when it's only trying to help you," she says back to me while swinging her putter by her side.

"That is true, so the question becomes why are you here with Bingo?" I ask her innocently, hitting her putter with mine to stop the swinging. She blushes and pulls down the sunglasses that she had resting on her head, as if she needs to shield her eyes from the overhead fluorescence suddenly. More like she needs a barrier between the twinstincts, and eyes are a major tell.

"I'm tired of sitting home while you're out playing mind games; this was all my idea, I want to see my brilliance in action," she replies from behind her shades.

"Sure, that's why you felt the need to then invite Bingo after you invited yourself along, for him to see your brilliance," I emphasize.

"Well, we couldn't have an odd number could we?" she says to me testily. "We could have," I say back to her.

She snorts in reply. "An odd number of people at a mini golf course, how do you expect that to work out?"

I blink at her. "Like any other normal outing..."

She lifts her sunglasses back up onto her head and looks at me like I've just appeared in front of her. "How you've gotten this far in the plan, with two guys drooling over you, I'll never know."

She leans into me and starts giving me the rundown on the mini-golf date scenario. Who knew there was so much to it.

"Mini-golf is the quintessential date scenario: it's an active outing, opposed to say, sitting in a movie theatre, which is totally passive. It allows for flirty competition to arise between the people on the date, and the best of all," she jokingly comes to stand behind me, grabbing my hands which are holding the putter, "it allows for the most cliché of clichéd date moves, which is the let-me-show-you- how-to-hold-the-putter move, which creates an opportunity for close physical contact."

"I can see that my services are no longer needed," says Samson as he walks into the mini-golf entrance. He goes up to the counter, pays his fee, and collects his putter and bright blue golf ball. Mine is green, Indigo's is orange.

Indigo backs away from me and shoves Samson in the shoulder. "You should be taking notes, time to put on the moves."

He rolls his eyes at her. "I've got moves you've never even seen, trust me," he says to her.

The door opens and Patrick, Jasmine, and Bingo walk in, waving at us they go to the counter. Patrick and Jasmine's hands are intertwined, and he leans in to whisper something in her ear, making her throw her head back and laugh. He smiles at her like she's the sun he rotates around. I blink at this wide eyed, and see that my confusion is reflected in Samson's face. This is a major change in couple behavior from what we've been seeing on our past couple dates. Indigo looks at them, suspicion written all over her face, making her eyes squinty.

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