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I woke up to a ping on my phone from Hinata, which was weird, because it was seven AM. He was never awake before eight thirty. He'd texted me an hour ago.

Six AM, folks. that's terrifying. He must have stayed up all night.

The message read:

i need help pls come asap

I left a note for everyone on the counter, then texted Sawamura. He was out looking for apartments for all of us. He was a great haggler. I was about to close the door when-


Tadashi was outside with gardening gloves on, shoving little seeds in small holes in the dirt that he had presumably made. How or why he was fixing up that skimpy little garden, I'll never know.

"Hinata needs help," I said quickly.

"One moment," he responded. 

Five minutes later, we were running to the store together, because neither of us actually knew his address. We heard sobbing noises from the employee bathroom in the corner, so I assumed we were in the right place anyway. Tadashi knocked on the door while simultaneously slipping off a small drawstring backpack he'd had on. 

There was a sniffle, and the sound of a lock opening.

It was not a pretty sight. Hinata was crying on the floor, curled into a ball. I immediately scooped him up into a hug, and he started crying harder.

"What happened," I asked, "Do you wanna talk about about it?"

He nodded and took his phone out of his pocket, then started typing.

I don't feel like a guy today

I glanced at Tadashi. "Okay," he said, "Do you know a gender you do feel like?"

Hinata shook his- his? head again.

"So you don't feel like a guy today and you don't feel like a girl."

He typed on his phone and showed us again.

Thats right im too scared to tell Uncle Ukai

"He is accepting," I chimed in, "are you just not ready?"

He nodded and sniffled again, then showed us his phone.

He doesn't get in until nine or ten in the mornings on weekends like this one usually

"Okay," Tadashi whispered, "So your issue is that you don't know your gender anymore."

He nodded.

"It's okay. I get this. I went through the exact same thing."

He sat down and inhaled, then sighed.

"Hinata, did you know that I am female-to-male transgender?"

He looked up and shook his head.

"I know, right? I'm pretty lucky. I was born with a relatively masculine build, and I'm pretty tall. Anyway, this confusion is completely normal for your age, and any age, really, even if you do eventually decide that you are, or aren't, transgender."

that doesnt solve my problem right now though

"That's a very fair point. Tell me, Hinata-kun, have you ever heard of genderqueer?"

He shook his head.

"It is..." he typed into his phone, "denoting or relating to a person who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders. So, in other words, not male or female, or both male and female."

Hinata spoke for the first time all day, most likely.


"Anyway, I'm not saying you are genderqueer, but my point here is that they use the they/them pronouns, which are gender-neutral, as I'm sure you know."

"S-so you're saying I can use gender-neutral pronouns until I figure myself out?"




"No problem. Just don't be afraid to change your pronouns."

"I won't."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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