Apple juice

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Once we all get into the lobby, I separate us into our rooms. Me, Sawamura, and Tsukishima in the first, Ennoshita and Tanaka in the second, and Tadashi in the third. No questions asked, no big deal, thank god. I plop my stuff down onto one of the two beds, and Tsukki and I kick Daichi to the pullout couch. If I'm paying, I'm sure as hell gonna make sure I get a bed. After sitting down for less than five minutes, I decide to make my way to the other rooms to see how everyone else is doing.

After knocking, I'm let in by Tanaka, who was also downgraded to the pullout couch, because Ennoshita wanted the bed. I didn't question it, but was glad to see that they were doing alright. I exit and make my way to the next room, which is all the way down the hall. I knock, and Tadashi opens. He waves, then shuts the door behind me as I walk in.

"I was just plugging in my phone," he says, "then you knocked on the door. I, uh, don't know why I said that, god, please ignore me."

I sigh, and giggle a little bit. "I'm not gonna ignore you," I say, "And if it's okay, I'd like you to meet me in my room, room 1211, after you're done getting everything handled. I already let everyone else know. I figured since we all barely know each other, we can all play some icebreakers."

"I'm done now, so I can just walk there with you."

"Alright then."

We make out way to my shared room in silence, and I can tell he's nervous. I put a hand on his shoulder, then open the door, where all of the others are already waiting. Tadashi hesitantly sits down next to Tsukki. I just sit on the floor.

"First thing's first," I say, "Let's all go in a circle and introduce ourselves, and after we say our name, say a nickname if you have one, and your favorite...beverage, I guess? I dunno, I'll go first. Sugawara Koushi, Suga if you want, literally anything that isn't alcohol."

I look to Sawamura for support. He sighs, but does as my eyes tell him to.

"Daichi Sawamura, no nickname, and coffee."

Things start to go smoothly after that.

"Tanaka Ryuuonsuke, Ryuu for short, and bananas."

"That isn't a-"

"If you don't think that is a drink, then Suga-san, you haven't tried hard enough."

"They have, like, zero percent moisture! Do you just put it in a juicer and eat the mush?!"

"Yeah, pretty much."

I sigh in defeat. "Next person, please go before I give this man a lecture on liquids, solids, and gases."

"Ennoshita Chikara, and I've tried, he just says it's a colloid, which doesn't even make sense, and not only that, it's completely wrong!"


"Shut it, both of you. Next person, please, and no bananas."

"Tsukishima Kei, lemonade, and I swear to god if anyone here but Tadashi calls me Tsukki I will kill you in the most violent and painful way possible."

"Yamaguchi Tadashi, but I prefer Tadashi, and I like apple juice."

Tanaka snorted at this. "Apple juice? What are you, five?"

Tadashi blushed. "Shut up, banana man."

"Say that again!"

"I said shut up, BANANA MAN!"

"Okay, both of you stop arguing before I die!" I screech as I try to breathe through my laughter. Sawamura slaps me on the back, sending me into a coughing fit, and I decide to end the icebreakers for the night.

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