Just wanted to make things right

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-Unnie, who is that, is that your member?


Uh, Min Jeong-ah, come, this is Miyeon, and Babe, this is Min Jeong or so called Winter

- Yeah I see, I see...

-Nice to meet you Miyeon unnie!- with that Winter bowed at her with the respect

-Nice to meet you too, Winter!- Miyeon was feeling jealous or mad, she just didn't know how she was feeling now and also she clearly heard from the maknae saying she would do some groceries, then why the hell she was here in the shopping mall? With the another girl? Why she didn't inform me? Is that the reason why she was trying to avoid me? 

While Miyeon was thinking to herself, Shuhua felt that something was not right and just said to the other girl to meet with her next time and she would call her. The other girl said it was ok and she left two girls there: 

- So, Honey, You said you were waiting for Sana, should we wait together? 

- ...



- Hmm, can you say something? 

- Shuhua-ya, are you cheating on me? 

-W-what?! N-no!

-Be honest please, are you? 

-No, what the heck are you saying? Do you have fever or something? 


-Babe, say something... Forgive me if you thought something bad, I just wanted to make things right

-Just give me time, need to calm down a little

-What do you mean? Why suddenly? I know you are mad but please don't overthink 

- Then can you tell me why you were avoiding me and why you were here with the other girl? 


-Yeh Shuhua!

- I-I can't! Will tell you once the planned things are done

- Yeah? Is that so? Then go and never come near me - with that Miyeon stormed away

- Are you now serious?! should I go after her and tell her the real reason why I was here?... Though, that will not be a surprise anymore...

-Ehm, you stupid, you really should go after her and forget about the surprise, we already know that you guys are together- Minnie, Soojin, Soyeon and Yuqi said all together

- And where the heck you guys came from?!

- Ehhh... from the dorm, like duh? Now go and chase after your girl~

To be continued...

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