Pool Party

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In which y/n decides to go on a late night swim after a long case

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In which y/n decides to go on a late night swim after a long case


Your team had just got back home in Virginia after finishing up the latest case. You caught the unsub after five grueling days. You unlocked your front door and threw your go bag into a random spot somewhere in the living room. You walked to your kitchen and grabbed a wine bottle, uncapping it and taking a large swig.

You needed a way to shake off this case, it was a tough one. He would kidnap women and keep them in his little "dungeon" for as long as they could suffice him.

You looked outside into your backyard and a idea popped into your head. You went to your bedroom and changed into your favorite two piece bikini. You opened the sliding door to your backyard after grabbing a towel and your phone and stepped into the crisp air.

You set your things down far enough away from the pools edge before diving into the cold water. You instantly felt all the stress of those five days flush out of your body as you surfaced to the top.

The moonlight above casts onto the waves, making the water appear to glisten. You looked up into the stars and smiled. Late night swims was something you've come around to love. It was something you had mentioned to the team one night but it was at the bar, you were sure no one was listening.

You closed your eyes and relaxed as you floated on your back, letting the small waves of the pool ease your mind.

You float like that for a few minutes until you thought you heard someone or something walking. Startled, you shoot your eyes open expecting a fight when your eyes land on a familiar man with unmistakable features.

"Sorry!" Spencer apologized. "I-I didn't mean to startle you."

You shook your head and chuckled, swimming to the edge of the pool. "No no! You're fine. What's up? Wait, how did you get back here? Why are you back here?" You didn't mean for that to sound so interrogating but you were just curious.

He walked closer to you, somewhat kneeling down to get to your height. "Well... after today's case I thought you might want some company. I uh, I saw the light on in your house and I tried knocking but you didn't answer. And so I came back around here."

"Yeah sorry, I just wanted to go for a late night swim I jus-"

"-just love them so much." He finished.

Spencer's eyes had a sparkle in them, paired with his adorable smile. You only mentioned that once awhile back and he was listening?

"Yeah I do, you were listening?" You tried to hide the smile creeping onto your face.

"Of course I did, I'll always listen to you." He quietly whispered. You bit your lip, an unsuccessful attempt at stopping your blush.

Spencer knew what it was like for people to not be heard. He was one of those people. No one on the team liked his rambles but you and every time you talked to the group he would always catch your eye and give you a small smile or wave.

Spencer Reid One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now