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With a new relationship between Y/n and Spencer, they finally tell the group at one of the annual bonfires


Work had finished up rather quickly for the team. Like usual after long cases, Rossi invited everyone over for a bonfire. What was different about this year was the new relationship between two colleagues that would be attending.

After offering to drive you home, you and Spencer talked about the upcoming gathering.

"Should we tell the team?" He asked, placing his hand on your thigh.

You still got butterflies from his touch. "We can tell them if you want, I don't mind. We could also be subtle about it." You smiled and locked your hand with his.

"Whatever you want pretty girl." You blushed at his comment, trying to turn away to hide it. He knowingly giggled and lightly gripped your chin to make you face him. When he reached a red light he quickly leaned over and pecked your lips.

The rest of the drive home was in comfortable silence and you both changed into comfier clothes.

"Think this will tell them we're dating?" You held up one of his sweaters.

He stepped out of the closet after throwing on a sweater vest and squinted his eyes. "Maybe I lent it to you." He walked over and wrapped his arms around your waist.

You scoffed and pushed his chest. "I'm serious."

"If they can't tell from that then I don't know what kind of profilers they are." He admitted, leaning down to capture your lips into a slow kiss.

"I'll steal this one too then." You playfully chuckled and escaped his grip to run to the bathroom.

"Wait, there's others?" He chuckled, walking up to the door.

You opened it and peered your head around. "Of course there's more. What? Your clothes are better." You cheekily smiled before shutting the door.

Spencer laughed and shook his head. He walked to his dresser to change into sweatpants, something you had bought him because he needed more clothes that weren't for work.

Spencer knocked on the door a few minutes later and asked if you were ready to go. You opened the door and nodded, snaking your arms around his torso.

"I just want one more.." You looked up and connected your lips to his. You both smiled into the kiss as it became more passionate.

"Now I'm ready."

You both left after Spencer kissed your nose and began the drive to Rossi's mansion. You were nervous to say the least but overall you felt the team would be supportive. Maybe you hadn't done as good a job as you let on and they probably already suspected something.

"What's going on in that beautiful brain of yours?" Spencer asked, lacing his right hand with your left.

"I'm just a little nervous." You admitted.

Spencer parked into the driveway and shut the car off before turning to you. "We'll be okay alright? And if you need me to bail you out I totally got you if you promise to get Derek off me once he's cornered me."

You giggled and nodded. "Will do."

"Good." He kissed you once more before stepping out of the car. It was a colder night so you held Spencer's bicep as you walked the length of the driveway all the way to the door before reluctantly letting go.

"Pretty boy!" Derek shouted, bringing Spencer into a hug. "And pretty girl." He gave a sly smirk towards Spencer which he quickly dismissed.

"He offered to drive me after work, I was super tired after the case." You quickly covered.

"Alright." Derek narrowed his eyes before letting you both pass. You all joined everyone in the backyard where they all greeted you.

Garcia got up and hugged you, squealing with excitement as her family gathered around the fire. You hugged Emily as you passed by her and sat on the loveseat that was left open next to JJ. She was with Will and you both greeted them as Spencer sat to the right of you.

Everyone passed around a beer and you all began drinking, starting the cool night with stories from your life. Everyone busted out into laughter after hearing about one of Emily's 'Top 10 Worst Ideas' she had ever done. Hotch had some very interesting stories about Rossi in their youth, apparently they had a little "bad boy" in them.

As the night grew, the temperatures dropped. You could even start to see your own breath as you told a funny story that happened to you recently. Spencer watched you closely, noticing how your lips moved when you spoke and how you accentuated your point with your hands. He knew he always did that and you must've picked it up.

When you finished everyone turned their attention away and laughed. Garcia started to talk about some new animal videos she had found when you shivered from the cold. Spencer looked over and nonchalantly wrapped his left arm around your waist, pulling you in closer to him.

You laid on your side and moved your right arm around his waist and nuzzled your head into his side. He smiled as his gaze returned to Garcia.

When she finished her story she suddenly gasped. She pointed at the youngest agents and everyone turned to look at you and Spencer.

"I knew it!" She exclaimed.

Your face heated up with embarrassment and you turned to hide your face into Spencer's side. He just giggled and rubbed your arm, looking down at the beautiful girl in his arms.

"Yeah it's true." He kissed the top of your head and you looked up at him, noticing how the fire lit up his features. His hazel eyes sparkled down at you.

"Oh it's about time pretty boy." Morgan stumbled up from his seat to pat Spencer on his back. He failed, only managing to get to his shoulder before giving up.

"You treating her right?" Rossi asked as he sipped his liquor. Emily sipped her wine, giving Spencer her famous glare.

"Y-Yeah of course." His ears started to turn red as he stuttered out his words. "I wouldn't dream of losing this one."

"That is so sweet." A drunk Penelope gushed, placing her hand over her heart.

"How long have you been hiding this?" Derek asked, pointing his finger between the couple.

"Uhm, c-can we please go back to the stories?" Spencer begged.

"Yeah sure, tell us about the first date." JJ asked, placing her chin in her hand, fully invested into the story.

Spencer furrowed his brows for a moment, wanting to stir the conversation elsewhere but the more he talked about you, he couldn't stop his ramble. He could talk about you for hours and never get bored.

Once he eventually finished, the team turned away to get another drink or to Will as he talked about the boys. Spencer took the opportunity to lean down and press his lips to the top of your head. You smiled and looked up at him.

He mouthed "hey pretty girl" and you giggled, mouthing back "hey pretty boy."

You leaned up and pressed your lips to his. He cupped your face with his open hand and he smiled, angling his head to the right.

"Oh get a room lovebirds!" Derek yelled from across the fire pit.

You both blushed and pulled away from each other. You rested your head back into his side and he squeezed your body.

It was true what they say, everything is better around a bonfire.

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