Close Call

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The black suvs pulled into the location of the latest victims phone that Garcia had pinned and tracked down.

You slammed the doors closed, unholstering your guns as Hotch gave you orders.

You and Spencer would take the south side of the area, the portion that contained a lake. Morgan and Emily would take the east, JJ in the north, leaving Hotch and Rossi the west.

You slowly crept through the thick brush. It was harder to see where you were going at night.

You end up closely following behind Spencer as he lead, guns aimed and ready for anything.

No words were ever exchanged because you thought if you made too much noise it would alert the unsub.

Now and again Spencer glanced back, checking to make sure you were still there.

Suddenly, you heard a distant scream. For being a little ways away, it was still audible.

"Sounds like it's behind us." You whispered. "It could be the next victim." You quickly turned around and started running in the direction.

"Y/n wait!" He whisper-shouted as he attempted to chase after you.

Morgan and Emily also heard the screams so they had started making their way there as well.

Spencer tried his best to keep up with your pace but ultimately he ended up losing you in the darkness of night.

You scanned the area and approached where you thought the scream originated from.


You made your way to the waters edge and traced it with your flashlight. You hoped to find something, anything other than the occasional bug that scurried away and fallen leaves.

The only thing you heard was the faint screaming of what sounded to be your team. They were yelling something...

Your name.

A shiver was sent down your spine and that's when you quickly tried to make your way back. He had already seen you though.

He leaped from the brush on your left and grabbed tightly around your waist, both of you landing in the water. Your gun flew somewhere downstream.

The clear water was as cold as ice. You managed to get one good cry for help before it was abruptly cut off as he pushed your head beneath the surface.

The team immediately recognized your pleas and sprinted faster toward your location.

Your fight or flight kicked in and you started punching the unsub, trying to get a breath of air.

Just as you reached your chin above the surface, he grabbed a fistful of your hair and submerged you back under.

You felt completely helpless under him.

You struggled, your kicking and punching slowing in speed growing weaker. Your vision started to go black and your eyes closed.


The team found the area of the river where you were at. Once they saw him holding you under the water, smiling, they decided no deals were to be made and without a doubt they began firing.

His dead body went limp and fell over on yours.

Hotch dove in to retrieve the unsub while Derek dove in to find you. You had passed out but your subconscious remained however. You felt a warm touch around your waist and another one appeared on your arm.

Morgan wrapped your arm around his neck and held your waist, pulling you to dry land. He carefully set you on the ground and saw you weren't breathing.

He felt for a pulse and found your faint one. He immediately began light cpr to try and bring you back.

"Come on princess, don't leave us now! Not like this!" He breathed.

The team watched in shock, waiting for you to hopefully regain consciousness.

You coughed out water with the help of Derek turning your head to the side. You gasped for air while he softly stroked your hair. A huge sigh of relief was let out from behind you.

"I'm not...leaving yet." You smiled, coughing some more from your sore throat.

Derek couldn't help but laugh.

Him and Rossi helped you sit up. It took you a few minutes to get your breath steady and at a consistent rate.

You heard Hotch mumble on about needing an ambulance now and how he didn't want to wait any longer than he needed to.

Spencer sat next to you, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around your shivering body. You leaned your head into his warm body trying to steal his warmth. He was slightly out of breath, almost as much as you were when you first resurfaced.

"Next time, you better not split up." He panted, propping his hand on the ground to hold his body up.

"Wasn't my fault you couldn't keep up." You shot back.

You both shared a smile. He hooked his finger under your chin and stopped for a moment to admire your eyes. He brought his lips to yours and you moved a hand on his chest, feeling his fast heartbeat.

It was short, both of you wanting to conserve as much air as you could.

"Come on." He pulled you up and helped you to one of the suvs to warm up and go to the hospital.

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