Snowed in

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You and the team traveled to Utah for this case. It was the middle of winter and the snow would get really bad.

As you wrapped up the case, you were all about to leave the precinct when the lights cut out. The heat had also turned off. You went to the front doors and tried to open them. Blocked. You were snowed in. One of the officers called snow plowers and they said the doors wouldn't be cleared until tomorrow. You were going to be stuck there for the night.

You sat at one of the desks playing with your hands. That was something you did on occasion. Spencer walked over and you immediately stopped.

"Hey!" His voice was cheerful. He pulled up a chair and you started talking. He went on to give you some random fact about hand rubbing and you smile. That was Spencer. The man you secretly loved.

After awhile he stopped rambling and looked down. You chime in.

"Looks like we're going to be stuck here all night."


There was a moment of silence.

He broke it standing up and saying, "Well it's getting late and there's only one bed left and I thought you should have it." That was sweet. Thats who he was.

"No no, you take it. I probably won't fall asleep anyway." That was a lie. You were pretty tired from the case and your eye bags showed that. Spencer could also tell. So he sat back down next to you and started talking again.

Your conversation ranged from comfort movies to random facts about each of Earths layers. How you got there was a mystery but it was nice, having someone to talk with.

By this time it was around 2am. The temperatures dropped during the night. At some point you were shivering and he gave you his coat.

Officers slept everywhere around you. It was hard to keep from waking them up because you two were having so much fun and laughing.

After awhile, your head slightly bobbed. Spencer could tell you were exhausted and he offered you his hand as he stood up. You hesitantly grabbed it and he lead you to the office with the remaining bed. The bed was small but there was definitely room...

You sat down and the bed creaked. You somehow managed to not wake the other sleeping agents. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world but it would have to do.

You felt guilty however. Where would Spencer sleep?

Before he walked away, you invited him to sleep in the bed with you. He blushed a little. You could tell he was nervous and did not expect that question. He asked you a multitude of times if you were sure. You laughed each time and said yes.

He finally agreed and got in with you. The bed creaked as he shifted in, getting comfortable.

"Can I..?" He was hinting about wrapping his arm around you. You shook your head. He put his arm around your waist, pulling you in closer. All of his body heat transferred over to you. It shielded you from the storm that occurred outside. His head rested behind your neck and he slightly nuzzled it. You would both fall asleep quickly.

From the other side of the room was a smiling Derek. He was laying on his bed facing yours. He knew you two had feelings for each other and JJ had owed him some money.

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