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Spencer told you to get dressed to go somewhere. You wore a beautiful black dress with black heels. When he arrived at your apartment, you saw he was dressed in a purple suit. His hair was curly and messy, his stubble tickling your skin when he leaned in for a kiss.

He took your hand and led you to the car door, opening it for you to enter. One of his hands gripped the steering wheel, knuckles slightly turning white, and the other rested on your thigh.

When one of your favorite songs came on, you turned it up and started jamming out. You sang your heart out, whether you were in tone or not. You couldn't help but notice Spencer staring at you. He smiled at you.

"How did I get so lucky?"

You blushed but it was hidden by your makeup. At the red light, he quickly leaned over and kissed you.

You had no clue where you were going and whenever you asked him he shut you down. He wanted it to be special and just right.

He pulled up to the top of a hill. It overlooked a lake surrounded by a beautiful forest filled with different forms of life.

He grabbed your hand and walked you to an opening in the trees where a table sat with fairy lights. He pulled your chair out so you could sit and he sat down after.

You wanted to ask him why the forest and such fancy clothing but you felt it would ruin the moment. You also couldn't help but love it when Spencer was all mysterious.

You both talked and laughed the entire night. Chatting about new books/movies that came out, very briefly about work, and other things.

When you finished your meals he opened and closed his mouth for a minute before finally speaking, most likely hoping you didn't notice how nervous he was. "Wait, there's more."

You cocked your head and squinted your eyes as he rose from his chair.

He walked over to your left and stood tall. He scrunched his nose and you heard movement behind him.

Black silhouettes emerged from the bushes and when he didn't react you thought it was okay. It appeared that these people were holding some sort of sign, each with a different marking.

You looked more closely and noticed it was your team. You sat there in disbelief. Questions flooded your mind.

What were they doing here? Were they here the whole time?

The signs they held lit up and each one had a different word displayed on them.

"Like rain, I fell for you."

That was from the night you first met. It had coincidently rained that day and that was when he kissed you for the first time. It was what started everything.

Tears already began to fall from your eyes and when you looked back at Spencer he pulled out a small box and got on one knee.

"Y/n, I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Every time I look at you, I see a future, a bright one I might add. I want to watch our kids grow up and get old, I want to grow old with you by my side. I would be the happiest and luckiest man in this universe if you married me." You covered your mouth.

You shook your head persistently as you repeated, "Yes! Yes! Of course I'll marry you Spence!"

The team clapped and cheered as they watched him put the ring on your finger. A perfect fit.

All the girls had been crying, especially your best friend Garcia who was thrilled.

He spun you around and passionately kissed you. This was a moment you would hold on to forever.

Spencer Reid One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now