The Accident

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Sooo y/n gets into a crash

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Sooo y/n gets into a crash. Let's see what happens <3


You yawned after unlocking your car. You stepped into your vehicle and turned your key in the ignition. As you began your drive you saw your phone light up from the center console. You glanced over and noticed it was Spencer. You didn't want to risk a crash so you ignored his text and waited to get home.

You tapped your fingers on the steering wheel and pulled up to a red light. You quickly opened your phone, just now realizing you could call him. The phone was dialing and you set it down before the light turned green.

A light drizzle started from above and you smiled. You always found the smell and sight of rain peaceful.

You turned the radio up after your favorite song started to play, still able to hear your phone, and you began singing along. The soft rained pattered on your car and you smiled. Nights like these after work were a bliss.

You were dragged out of your head when a truck horn blared through the quiet night. You slammed on your brakes before your car crashed and violently hurled your body forward, knocking you unconscious.

Spencer and the team were around the round table. They had just finished their paperwork after you left and decided to stay and chat for a little. Derek teased Spencer about his relationship with you and he became immediately flustered, stumbling over his words and playing with his hands.

Derek let up and Spencer excused himself for a moment. He pulled out his phone and sent you a quick text, asking if you had gotten home safely. When you didn't answer right away he figured you were still driving so he pocketed his phone and joined back in the conversation.

Periodically over the next 30 minutes he would glance at his phone and notice not one response from you. He did the math in his head, even factoring in the possibility you drove to a store, and it still didn't add up.

He saw he had a missed call 10 minutes ago and he called right back, getting your voicemail. He used every excuse he could come up with to convince himself that you were okay.

"Everyone." The team looked up at a very serious Hotch. This time however, he was more stern than he had ever been before.

Spencer was the first one to shoot up from his chair, a sudden pang in his heart. "What happened?"

You slowly opened your eyes and noticed you were flipped upside down. You thought you heard the ambulance sirens but everything was ringing and you couldn't decipher one thing from another.

"I-I think she's alive!" A man yelled. You winced at his loud tone and slowly turned your head in the general direction of his scream.

The man lowered himself on his stomach and peeked through the shattered window. "I-I'm so sorry ma'am."

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