Lost Time

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It was 1 and a half years since the BAU buried their friend and colleague. And Spencer lost the love of his life.

He visited your grave everyday and talked to you for as long as he could. He brought you your favorite flowers, remembering how your face lit up and the way your eyes glistened when you talked about them. Those visits brought him a little comfort.

He never stopped crying. As much as he wanted to, he just couldn't. He cried almost every night since that day. He always slept cuddling with your pillow that still carried your soft scent. He would bury his head in it and all the memories would come back.

The unsub shot you in the back and shoulders. You had pushed Spencer out of the way when you realized it was a setup. You died from your injuries in surgery.

One day at work he sat at his desk shaking his right leg. He stared at his blank computer screen with his hand on his chin, thinking. His eyes wandered over to the photo he had on his desk of you two kissing. He remembered that night...

"Spence oh my god stop!" You playfully hit his shoulder. He smiled and you both started laughing. It wasn't until you fell over on him laughing that he knew it was his chance. His laughs slowly faded and he looked deep into your eyes. You soon followed. You were laying on him, looking up into his eyes. Taking in each other's beautiful features.

And then... he kissed you. You were so shocked you didn't do anything at first. But then you got comfortable and kissed back.

"Why did you do that?" You ask.

"Because I'm falling for you y/n." Your face was priceless. He smiled and slightly raised your head and kissed you again.

Taking a breathe you say, "I did too Spence. Literally." You both laughed and he helped you off the floor.

He went to grab his phone and he kissed you, making sure he got a photo. He wanted to capture the first moment of your journey, together.

He put the picture face down. He couldn't look at it anymore.

Hotch called for everyone to meet in the conference room.

Spencer let out a huge sigh and got up and sadly trotted to the round table. He slumped down into the seat, dreading the thought of a new case.

That was when you walked in.

His back faced the door so he didn't see you. Everyone else did. Their faces went blank and their breathing momentarily stopped. Garcia covered her mouth. He furrowed his eyebrows and swiveled around.

He saw the women he loved, the women who he buried more than 1 year ago, stand before him. He remembered the way your casket felt as he clutched on and walked it to your grave. It seemed angelic in a way.

He rubbed his eyes. It was real.

You smile at the sight of him and he stood up.

"Y/n...?" His voice cracked and his eyes began to water.


He pulled you into a big long, tight hug. He cried into your shoulder as he nuzzled his head deeper into your neck. Your eyes, along with everyone else's began to tear.

"I'm so sorry Spence..." Your voice broke.

The hug lasted forever. It had been one year since he held you. One year since he touched you.

"Oh I uh. I have someone you should meet." You say as you wave your arm, signaling someone to come in.

A little boy with brown curly hair and your green eyes ran in. He wrapped around your leg, hiding from everyone. He was a shy boy, like his dad. Garcia squealed at this sight and she held onto Derek for support.

"This is Jason... your son." Those words let him speechless.

"I have a-" he looked at the boy again.

Penelope was crying harder than Spencer at this point.

"A son." You continued. "You're a dad Spence."

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

You knelt down to Jason's level and spoke softly.

"Remember how I told you about your dad? Those talks we had everyday? That's him." You pointed at Spencer.

He shyly walked over and Spencer knelt down. The little boy wrapped his arms around Spencer's neck and he picked him up. He gently swayed back and forth, crying. Jason rested his head on his shoulder, like he had known him all along. Even Hotch cried at that sight.

"I had to go Spence..." you began. "After the unsub shot me and got away it was too dangerous for me to come back. I didn't want to leave believe me but I had no choice. And along the way, I had this little guy." You ruffled your sons hair.

Spencer looked at you, still clutching on to his son, and embraced you into a big hug with his open hand. He kissed the top of your head.

"I just- I didn't want you to go through this alone y/n."

Those words made your heart flutter. You muttered out another "I'm sorry" before going back to crying.

Spencer said he would've protected you. But deep down he knew it wouldn't of been enough, and it was safer for you to fake your death. Even with all the pain and suffering it caused him, he was better now, knowing he had his own family.

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