8.2K 115 46

wow um i think this is going to be a bit of a rant because i have so much to say right now. first, i want to thank all of you amazing people for your support over the course of ALMOST TWO YEARS. my two year anniversary on wattpad is on april 8th, and wow, the fact that i have been on this platform for that long is insane. your support through my writing journey is insane, and i'm so thankful for that. 

in january this story hit 100k reads, and i honestly had no words and i still have none. i never believed that this story could reach more then one person, nevertheless thousands. this is insane and i'm so unbelievably amazed and grateful that it happened. i love you all dearly. 

now that that's out of the way, i would like to say that i began this story almost two years ago. and i think these two years have changed who i am as person (and a writer) greatly. last time i made an annoucement, i told you guys that i was going to edit this story. today, well much to my disappointment, i'm here to tell you that i'm discontinuing it. i no longer have much motivation to write this story, and despite my efforts to edit and make it better and do what i can to keep me happy with my writing, i simply can't anymore. i am so thankful for what this story has brought me, but it reflects a person i am not anymore, and to continue it is really impacting my mental health. 

i goal when i first started writing was to do something for me. something that i love. now the writing and the effort doesn't feel like it's for me but that it's for you guys, and i'm dragging around this story in hopes that i'll be interested again. i'm sure you've noticed how updates went from weekly to monthly and now once every two or three months. to be very honest with all of you guys, everytime i sit down and start to write this story it feels like a chore, and not something i enjoy. 

i want writing to be something for me and this story is simply not. 

so today i want to tell you guys the that this story is over. i'm going to unpublish the unedited chapters, but leave the other ones on if anyone wants to read them. 

this is not to say that i've stopped writing. i joined wattpad to write and i don't plan to stop. in fact, there is another story on my profile right now for you guys to check out. i'm not going to stop writing, i'm not going on a break, i'm just stopping this story. 

i love you all and your support and i thank you guys for sticking with me, and i'm sorry if you had been hoping i'd return to this story one day. honestly, i was hoping for the same. but it's been awful for my mental health and i think it's time to end this journey. 

i love you all so much and am so grateful <3

THE GOLDEN QUARTET ━━━ percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now