there goes mrs. black again (edited)

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Alright, guys time for ANOTHER chapter (psych this future me editing this and having no idea when I originally even posted this chapter lol) Alright folks lets get moving and hope that you don't believe a teen from the state that shall not be named owns both Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. Because then you'd be considered really stupid. And we all know that I'm allergic to stupidity. Sorry, here's the actual chapter.


Percy is just considering how much the Fates hate him as he appears in front of a set of townhomes in what he assumes is London. However much one despises those who attend the self-pity party, one can't fault Percy Jackson for drowning in self-pity himself. Pun not intended. Percy, in his short seventeen years on Earth, has experienced more horrors than people would in ten lifetimes. Or twenty. Or even a hundred. He supposes it's a matter of opinion.

Nevertheless, for every fault in his life, there are about a handful of improvements. That's what makes Percy say that he would go through it all again to experience them. And that's what keeps Percy moving now. To know that even after all he's been through, it would have helped hundreds of people. Or even billions. After all, it is common knowledge that he's saved the world twice. Oh, wait, it isn't. That must be why two teenage wizards are glaring at him, he decides, pretending that he hadn't made this conclusion over half an hour ago. It also might have something to go with the fact that his grandfather is trying to kill them. You know what they say: ignorance is bliss. His ADHD is getting to him, he thinks, as they walk in front of a creepy house with a distinct twelve. 

Remembering something from earlier, he points to the house and asks, "Is that it?"

Gandalf turns around, giving Percy a surprised look, and says, "Yes."

However, he continues mumbling, "But how can he see it?"

Percy considers these five words and decides that it must be the Mist. He supposes that Hecate might have had something to do with that. Or this whole wizardry thing in the first place. He reckons that he'll ask Annabeth when he IM's her. 

As the rest of the wizarding gang continues to look at Percy in confusion, Lupit, Litin, Percy forgot his name, says, "Yes, you have arrived at 12 Grimmauld Place, the headquarters of the Order of the Pheonix."

The teenagers look at him in confusion, as though they're surprised that he revealed this much information, but don't respond. 

Gandalf smiles and says, "Lupin, I sure you can take it from here," and then disappears with the same loud crack that had brought them here. 

That's what his name is!

Lupin carefully opens the door, and whispers, "Careful, don't make any loud sounds, you don't want to wake Mrs. Black."

Percy is about to ask who exactly Mrs. Black is when the ginger-haired boy knocks down the umbrella stand. The bushy-haired brunette groans as wails arise from the inside of the house. Confused, Percy pulls myself out of the doorway as Lupin closes the door. Then, he runs inside and points his wand at the portrait?

Percy cranes his neck to make sure he had seen that correctly, and when he is convinced that it is indeed a screaming portrait, it stops screaming. 

Lutin beckons Percy to the dining room and says, "Come on now. Introduce yourself." 

Percy stares at the ten or so people who were previously occupied in everyday chatter, who are now looking up at him. 

As Percy is trying to decide how to go along with this, Harold interrupts him, somewhat rudely if Percy would add, saying, "He's the Voldemort kid."

The gasps that appear across the room are so infuriating that Percy can't help but say, "Sorry, Harold, but I'd prefer not be remined of my relationship to a certain evil wizard every single time you say my name. Let's try Percy? I mean technically it's Perseus, but the only people who say that are people who want to kill me. Or because I didn't clean my room.  But that's beside the point. Anyway, even if good old granddad is this evil guy who wants to kill you all, I still go by Percy. Nice to meet you." 

Percy smiles, at the surprised faces around the room, still staring at him as though he grew another head. Sorry folks, but that's a hydra.

"So who wants to introduce themselves first?" 

Two people, who Percy assumes are twins, based on their identicalness stand up saying, "I'm George." 

"And I'm Fred." 

Percy is about to introduce himself before he thinks about the trick the Stolls play on the new campers, and then he says, "Hey, George. Hi, Fred," facing the opposite directions of what they had told him.

They looked surprised, "How'd you figure it out? It worked on Mom before, remember George?"  

"Oh yeah, Ron's first year, right?" 

Percy smiles, "I have friends who do the same thing every time someone new comes to camp; I guessed you might have done the same thing." 

They look impressed, and at the same time, they say, "He doesn't seem evil." 

At that, Percy genuinely smiles, and without waiting for everyone else to introduce themselves, dives into a plate of glorious, foreign food. 

So hey people, that was an exciting chapter. I've been trying hard not to make Harry sem OOC but still very suspicious, and it's been an ongoing battle. Anyway, I started this chapter five hours ago, but then I got off track facetiming people for like 2 hours, and then I had to go to dance so yeah. So I suppose that you guys might get annoyed at the fact that like half of the memes that are posted don't have anything to do with the PJO or HP, but that's just me: the book nerd. So I guess ya'll vote and comment, only because it would make my day, and thank you for reading... Oh yeah, word count is 1037 words with the AN's and have a good day! Que tenga un buen dia. ~Love you, ryleeoverhere.

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