i saw some cheerleaders (edited)

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Hey guys, I know it's been a while, but to be fair this time I did warn you: I told you all that I was going to take a break throughout July to get my crap together. And let me tell you, it was very refreshing? I don't think that's the word I'm looking for, but I got a lot of stuff done. Like I'm almost done editing Another Evil Grandfather so you guys might be getting actual updates soon! And then I published to learn to live so go check that out :)

*insert shameless advertising* You all should follow me so you get updates on this stuff because you all probably didn't know I was on break, but you would have if-

Readers: I don't know just a thought, but maybe if your writing was any good people would follow you.

Me: Well then.

I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter and if you think differently I honestly don't know what to say.


Percy might have lied. Nothing big really. Well if you ask him, that is. So he might have told Nico and Thalia that he was fine, even though he really wanted Annabeth, but honestly what did you expect? You just have to say you're fine, when you're really not fine- Come on, it's not like Percy was planning on breaking into song. Whatever. Either way, considering that Percy was up at the ungodly hour of 8:00 A.M in the morning, he figured he might as well go out for a run. Without Camp Half-Blood or at least monsters attempting to kill him every thirty seconds, all compiled with Mrs. Weasley's delicious pancakes, Percy figured he was going to get out of shape fast. Which is a slight problem when attempting to win a war against your evil grandfather who happens to be back from the dead. In summary: the usual.

Percy pulls on a bright orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt (which by the way, why are they bright orange not really the color you want to go for if you don't want mortals finding out about it.) Sorry, ADHD. Anywho, as Percy was saying, he pulled on his Camp Half-Blood T-shirt and a pair of sweats, proceeded to walk down the stairs, all while ignoring the stairs he was getting. Would Thalia just go do her Mist thingy, so they could forget about it already? After all, it isn't that big of a deal.


In Harry's defense, he tried not to stare at Percy as he walked out of the door, wearing that orange T-shirt that he seems weirdly attached to. But, it isn't everyday you meet a guy who gets nightmares that horrible. And to think Harry's thought his were bad. Anyway, Harry had to admit, Ron really was being somewhat silly, Percy hadn't shown any signs of being a Death Eater, so maybe Ron should lay off. Just a little bit. But Harry had to agree that something suspicious was up, Percy was hiding something, and Harry had a sneaking suspicion it had nothing to do with what Ron thought. But when Harry brought up his suspicions to Hermione, the conversation went something like this:

"So, about Percy don't you think something is off about him," Harry asks, as Hermione looks up from her parchment.

"Harry, you really are being ridiculous, I've already had enough of this from Ron, honestly he's a normal kid who just found out magic existed. He's seventeen not a Death Eater for Pete's sake," Hermione says, clearly exasperated.

"No I didn't mean that, but isn't it kind of weird, that he caught on to magic so quickly? And what are all of those names Thalia was insulting me with?"

Hermione sighs, "Harry, the older you are the easier it is to learn things. Besides all the deflecting could just be uncontrollable magic, after all, he never knew he had it. And Percy and his cousins are half Greek (which you would know if you talked to them) so she was referencing Greek things, just how we're wizards and reference wizard things. They're normal people, Harry, at least give them the benefit of the doubt."

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