come on aquaman (edited)

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Ok so after looking at this I realized I was so hype about the amount of attention this story was getting that I forgot the disclaimer *hits forehead with brick* fangirls: what did you do with brason??? So I am neither JK Rowling or Rick Riordan. Surprise, surprise. 


Okay, even Harry had to admit, this was getting slightly out of hand. Of course, they had every right to be suspicious of Percy at first, but so far he hasn't done anything remotely evil seeming. Ron was seeing things, and he thinks Hermione might be right about this one (like usual.) All of this is going through Harry's head, during Ron's rant. 

"Come on Harry, you've got to see it, he's evil, bloody hell his grandfather is He Who Shall Not Be Named."

"Ron, just call him Voldemort," Harry pauses trying to figure out a way to tell Ron that he seems to be wrong, "besides Perc-"

And then the two of them here it, an ear-splitting scream that most likely woke up half of London. 

"What in Merlin was that?"

"I have no idea," Harry responds, "but I have feeling we should go find out."

The two of them stride down the hallway, well aware that everyone is probably awake by now, as another scream arises, this time a vague string of syllables that must be a name, but one that Harry can't place his finger on. 

The two of them make their way to Percy's door, greeted by Hermione, Ginny and Sirius. Hermione, clearly frightened says, "Did you hear that?" 

Harry nods, thinking about the dreams he had earlier this summer when Cedric died. 

Suddenly Goth Kid and Spunk Girl run down the hallway, most likely from where they were sleeping, saying, "Move out of the way!" 

Spunk Girl opens the door, and the two of them go inside, leaving it wide open. Percy's laying on the bed still screaming, and crying at the same time, at least Harry assumes he's crying, because there are most definitely tears running down his cheeks. Could this person be evil? 

Spunk Girl sits on the bed, saying "Come on Kelphead, I'm not Annabeth, but remember she's safe at camp. You're out. You're out. Okay, you're safe now." 

Safe from what? What camp? And where on Earth did they go that caused these types of nightmares? Percy might not be evil, but Harry was sure he was hiding something. 

Thalia (that's her name!) glares at the Emo Kid, asking for help, "Yeah Aquaman," he says, "remember you're out, think about Annabeth. She's safe. You're out." 

Slowly, Percy's screams get quieter, and his crying starts to cease. By this time, everyone in the house is crowded outside Percy's room door. 

Sirius looks at Spunk Girl, who for some reason is wearing a tiara, asking for explanations, she looks back at his friend and says, "PTSD. Extreme PTSD. He's been through some rough stuff." 

Harry looks back at Percy, and wonders why he didn't see it before. The look is Percy's eyes, it was the same one he had saw in Cedric's eyes. Before he died. Like someone has taken a giant orb smashed it to the ground, and tried to repair it with Elmer's glue.  

Percy sits up, and Spunk Girl pats him on the shoulder, asking if he was ok. He simply says he's fine and tells her that he's gonna use the bathroom. 

Harry looks at everyone else surrounding Percy's door, and Ron asks the question that everyone has been thinking, "What the bloody hell was that?" 

Surprisingly, Goth Boy hears and says, "Like Pinecone Face said, extreme PTSD. And I suggest you don't make fun of him because of this, he doesn't really accept other people's pity, besides, it's gotten a lot better now, he only really has nightmares once or twice a month."

Ron looks at the kid skeptically, "Are you sure he's not mental?" 

Spunk Girl grins, "Nope. Like I said yesterday, if you had been through 10% of what he has you'd be dead, or sitting in a mental institute unable to tell past from present, all while your mind crumbled into madness. Your choice. Well not really." 

Ron looks slightly pale, actually very pale, but Harry isn't very surprised. He's sure if he stared at a mirror he too would be as white was a ghost. Harry had way too many thoughts for his brain to handle at one time. What on Earth had Percy done to earn the respect of Spunk Girl, someone who Harry felt didn't give respect out to many people. If Harry was doubting Percy's Death Eater likelihood earlier, by now Harry had come to a pretty firm decision. Percy was most definitely not a Death Eater. The only question left to answer was: What is he? Harry inspects the numerous picture frames on his dresser. 

The first is a group of seven kids, all batted and bloody, but looking generally happy. A pretty girl who looks Cherokee, her hand entwined with a boy with blond hair and blue eyes. Next to them is a Latino boy, who looks a bit like an elf. In the middle is Percy, holding a drop-dead gorgeous blonde, bridal style, in his arms. Harry recognizes her as 'Annabeth' the girl that was with Percy, when they went to find him in New York. Next to him is a Chinese dude, next to an African American girl, who's laying her head on his shoulder. 

The next one is Percy when he was younger, his arm draped over the shoulder of the same blonde, shorter, but next to him is a kid wearing a Rasta cap, smiling at the two of them. 

Then there is a more recent picture, of Emo kid, Spunk girl, and Mini-V laughing at something. 

One where he's wearing a weird purple thing smiling next to a girl, with long, alright, black hair who's wearing the same thing. 

An image of two silhouettes kissing behind a sunset. 

Another with a group of over 200 people, anywhere from seven years old to twenty, all smiling and staring at the camera. 

And lastly, a picture of Percy standing next to a woman (whom Harry realizes is his mother), a man who Harry assumes is Percy's father, and a little girl who couldn't be more than a year old. 

"As Thalia, told you, I have PTSD, bad PTSD. That's the reason I wake up in the night screaming. Sorry about bothering you, but we should probably go back to sleep, we kind of have to go to Pig Pimples tomorrow, and Thalia and Nico have to head back to New York." 

At that Harry himself can't help laughing, earning a confused stare from Sirius, a knowing grin from Hermione, and betrayed glare from Ron. 

Hey guys, it's editing rylee back again, with another new and improved chapter. Which side note: How can something be new and improved? Those things literally contradict each other :) 

Anyway, I get that this is sort of a filler, but not my problem deal with it. Or don't and just leave, knowing that you won't get any of my blue cookies. Your choice...

So, anyway because this is only EDITED chapter 9 you should totally go and check out my short story CLEAR WATER, because that is completed. That was shameless advertising, but a girl's gonna do what a girl has gotta do am I right or am I right? Also clearly, in this EDITED version, Nico and Thalia are not coming along for the Hogwarts ride, because let's be honest, that makes no sense. So, you should probably just suffer for the two months of waiting for my next EDITED chapter because UNEDITED chapter 10 will make no sense. 

Word count: 1305

Okay, bye people :)

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