toddler geniuses (edited)

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Hey guys! This is editing me, from the future, hello. I just wanted to say that the actual authors note I had in was very stupid, so editing me went okay we're deleting that. Anyway, so thanks so much for making it this far, and not being disappointed by the prologue, and idk, just reading this. It makes me so happy to see all the votes, comments and reads, and just everything because this fanfic is so irrelevant. Anyway, all cred to good old JK Rowling and Uncle Rick. By the way, random question but, what's your opinion of JK Rowling now, she's become really controversial, with her whole, everyone is a minority thing lol.


Harry doesn't pretend to understand the minds of Fred and George. He doubts Hermione does. Which is saying something, like HERMIONE. But, he really doesn't understand how not getting pranked, doesn't make you evil. Because, that doesn't seem logical. Harry is all for the open-minded and stuff but letting the grandson of Voldemort in the headquarters of the Order of the Pheonix, seems quite stupid. And ironic, but that's beside the point. How does anyone know that Voldemort hasn't already contacted Mini-V, and he's telling Voldemort everything that's happening?  

Suddenly, a mountain load of owls, all carrying envelopes, bearing the Hogwarts crest, show up at the window, pecking at the sill. Sighing, Mrs. Weasley opens the window, and with a flick of her wand, one by one, the letters drop from their claws, onto the dusty, black sofa, which is right below the window. 

"Harry, would you be a dear and get everyone else to come downstairs, tell them the Hogwarts letters have arrived." 

Putting on a smile, which feels fake, Harry says, "Sure thing Mrs. Weasley." 

Harry takes the stairs, two at a time and as he's climbing the last one he says, "Mrs. Weasley wants everyone downstairs, well if you're going to Hogwarts, I guess." 

Then he runs down the stairs, before the pack of people going to Hogwarts, completely murders him, accidentally, of course, well except for Percy, Harry is still unsure about him. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny, and Mini-V, all enter the kitchen where Mrs. Weasley is making a futile attempt to organize all of the letters. Suddenly the door opens, and both Harry and Ron stare at Percy. They weren't supposed to get visitors today.

The door opens, revealing Mad-Eye, and the tense air in the room in releases. He skips the formalities, in typical Mad-Eye fashion, and looks at Percy dead in the eye, with a stare that would freeze most people in their tracks. Yet, Percy doesn't respond and gives him a glare of his own, and like his girlfriends, his glare is scary. Extremely scary. 

Showing no sign of emotion, Mad-Eye looks at Hermione and says, "Is this the grandson of Voldemort? He doesn't seem like much." 

Percy smiles, "I'm really not, honestly you'd think of picking a better person to kidnap if you wanted help with your war."

Oddly not surprised, Moody says, "Well, at least he has a sense of humor."

Smiling, Percy says, "I'm Percy, by the way, and humor is the one thing I can do.?" 

Feeling more comfortable Moody says, "Mad-Eye Moody, Ex-Auror of the Ministry of Magic, and what's in your pocket?" 

Harry resists the urge to scream in victory, thinking that Mad-Eye had seen something illegal in Percy's pocket. 

"Oh, this, this is a pen, I don't know if you wizards use them, but they're a lot better then those quills you have lying around." 

Harry scowls. Wizards need to take muggle studies, they don't know anything sometimes. 

Moody, stares at him, "Muggles don't use quills?" 

Percy laughs, and says, "Nah, man. We're chillin with these pens."

"Intuitive. Smart."

At this, Percy laughs again, "I've heard that before, but contrary to your belief I'm not known for my brains, in fact, I'm more well-known for my lack of them." 

Chuckling, Moody walks out of the house, claiming he has Auror business, and he just wanted to drop by. 

Mrs. Weasley clears her throat, "As I was going to say, your Hogwarts letters are here, so we'll be going to Diagon Alley this afternoon." 

At this Percy visibly pales, "Did you say diagonally?" 

Smiling, Mrs. Weasley says, "No dear, Diagon Alley, two words." 

The paleness fading he says, "Cool, see you then." 

Percy gets up,  followed by Fred and George, and then Ginny. Harry, Ron, and Hermione still remain at the table. 

Hermione rolls her eyes, "I saw the look you were giving him, according to Fred and George, he's actually pretty nice."

"Well, Mione, Fred, and George aren't very accurate sources of information," says Ron, stuffing his face with leftover pudding. 

Hermione sighs, "Yeah, they like a good joke, but they definitely don't make a habit of hanging out with people who are evil."

Harry, feeling the need to intervene, says, "Guys, calm down, it's all good. Anyway, Ron, and I don't think he's evil, we're just slightly suspicious." 

Ron, stares at Harry, in shock, "Speak for yourself, he's evil."

Harry kicks Ron in the shin, under the table.

"Ow, fine, okay, I don't think he's that evil."

Hermione stares at the two of them unbelievably, "You two, are about as believable as Professor Trelawny. I mean, come on, could you guys have been any more obvious, I think toddlers would have understood what you just did."

Ron, smiles, "Hermione, we weren't all toddler geniuses."

"Ron, you're an idiot."

Hey guys, this is editing me again. Ya'll should be really excited I don't show up too often in A/N's. Don't you just love the romione banter? I mean even as a dramione shipper, romione can be really cute, at least when Ron isn't OOC. Anyway, I'm trying to not have A/N's in the middle of the chapter, and keep them to the top and the bottom, so I deleted all of the A/N's that were previously in this Chapter. Surprisingly some of them were actually relevant, so I'm putting that information down here. 

1. Okay so #1, the whole thing with Harry's dementor attack trial, has already happened, this is later in the summer. 

2. Anyway, so #2, this is actually a newer thing but, when I first wrote this I just had Harry totally hate Percy for the longest time, but now, I'm trying to have Harry be like himself and less OOC because I really felt bad offending the HP fandom, with OOC Harry. It kind of bothered me. I just said that. So if Harry resembles a girl PMSing it's because I'm still in the process of editing this (duh, lol did you guys even read the prologue?)

Okay, guys, I think that everything I wanted ya'll to know, the word count, including A/N's for this is 1166 words, Make sure you vote, and comment, and continue reading I guess. Also, what's your opinion on Dramione? Okay, bye! ~Love, ryleeoverhere.

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