a whole bunch of waffle (edited)

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Hey guys! I've just finished publishing Chapter 11 (EDITED) but I'm kind of in the writing mood, so here we are.

Although, depending on when you all see this it might have been a while.

Come on now, I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, just like how I didn't own Harry Potter and Percy Jackson last chapter.

And the chapter before that.

And the chapter before that.


Harry had been to three Sorting ceremonies (including his own), as in his Second year, he and Ron flew a flying car to Hogwarts, and in his third, the train was stopped by Dementors.

So clearly he wasn't much of an expert.

"I have told you, I have warned you-"

But he'd never recalled the Hat giving the school a warning. And it was a bit odd that this warning came the same year that the Grandson of Voldemort was attending Hogwarts.

But then again, he was no expert.

The Sorting ceremony went by just as he had expected it too, the only major difference was Percy's Sorting after all of the first years. Which was interesting, to say the least. After all, he couldn't remember the last time the Sorting Hat sat on anyone's head for almost ten minutes, but he doubted it was very often.

But still, what surprised him more than all of that, was the word the Sorting Hat had yelled — "GRYFFINDOR!"

Now Harry, currently at least, had no problems with Percy, but he figured the Slytherin in him must have been slightly overpowering. And if not for Slytherin, maybe Ravenclaw? Definitely not Gryffindor. But that would certainly make it easier for Harry to keep an eye on him.

As the clapping slowly dies down, Dumbledore clears his throat and begins to make his speech, introducing Professor Grubbly-Plank, speaking of, where was Hagrid? But despite Hagrids's worrying disappearance, there was still one thing that caught his eye. The lady dressed in pink, with a face oddly resembling a toad, whom Harry remembered from his trial.

Distinctly remembered, because of her insistence that Harry was lying about the Dementors. Which, if you asked Harry, was ridiculous, as he was obviously not lying. But now she was sitting at the Head Table, meaning only one thing.

She was this year's DADA teacher?

Harry had quite a few questions about that, but he figured some of them might be answered, as she interrupted Dumbledore in the middle of his speech, "Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

Harry hears Fred and George a few seats over, "That's likely."

And then Percy, from across the table, snickers.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards of vital importance.."

Harry stops paying attention, wondering how on earth Dumbledore decided she would be a decent Defence teacher. Though the position really didn't have a good record.

After all, Lockhart?

Not your best Dumbledore.

As her speech finishes, and the food appears on out plates, Dumbledore closes out with, "Thank you Professor Umbridge, that really was most illuminating."

"Illuminating, " Ron scoffs, "sounded like a whole lot of waffle to me."

Harry can't help but nod in agreement, the speech really did sound like a whole bunch of waffle.

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